






但是赢得这场比赛?从 7,895 个参赛作品中被选为获胜者并非易事,创下了纪录。你如何让你的作品从提交给我们比赛的其他社论中脱颖而出——尤其是当你只有不超过450个单词来表达你的观点时?




下面,我们列出了 10 位获奖者、15 位亚军和 45 位荣誉奖。我们还包括所有决赛选手的 PDF,其中包括 58 名进入第三轮评审但未完全进入获胜者圈子的选手

从 5 月 22 日开始,我们将在每个工作日发布 Top 10 论文之一的帖子,我们希望您在社交媒体上传播,挂在学校公告板上,甚至可能用作明年比赛的“导师文本”。


前 10 名获奖者

A Psychedelic Cure?” by Reagan Briere, age 16
In Nothing We Trust” by Francesca Kelley, age 18
Leave the Citizens to Their TV Shows” by Yijia Hu, age 17
Losing the Internet” by David Scharts, age 15
Reform the Prison, Then the Prisoner” by Katherine Leonard, age 16
Stopping Bullets With Locked Doors and Silence Is Already Pulling the Trigger” by Daina Kalnina, age 15
The Anguish of the Rich” by Yiqi Wang, age 17
The Asian Misnomer: What the Affirmative Action Debate Misses” by Matteo Wong, age 16
The Collateral Damage of Defending Democracy” by Sarah Heiland, age 18
The Missing Anthropological Exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History” by Alec Farber, age 16


“America First” by Safa Saleh, age 17
“America? More Like Ameri-Can’t Vote” by Gianni Carcagno, age 17
“Climate Literacy: A Critical Step Toward Climate Stability” by Ella Shriner, age 14 and Hannah Witscher, age 15
“Cultural Appropriation: A Measure of Empathy” by James Chang, age 16
“Discourse Is Democracy: Allowing Uncensored Speech on College Campuses” by Abigail Hogan, age 17
“Drone Warfare: The Failing Fight Against the Modern Hydra” by Michael Levinger, age 16
“Generation Code Red” by Grace Scullion, age 16
“Humane Human Zoo?” by Ella Ward, age 15
“Paper or Plastic? How About a Paper ON Plastic!” by Melody Markert, age 17
“The Future Disintegration of American Democracy Through Athletics” by Julianne Yu, age 16
“The Case for Teaching News Literacy” by Mary Hannah Grier, age 17
“The Unspoken Alphabet Problem” by Stephanie Zhang, age 14
“The ‘War on Drugs’ Will Never Work; Legalization Will” by Kristina Vakhman, age 18
“There Is No Happily Ever After Without Once Upon a Time” by Bridget O’Leary, age 17
“When Will This Class Be Useful?” by Casey Stark, age 15



“#WorldChanger” by Joyce Zhou, age 17
“A Case for Impassiveness” by Lea Marchl, age 16
“A Scoop in the Right Direction” by Emma S., age 18
“AP Tests Don’t Leave Enough Room for the Human Side of History” by Tom Malmgren, age 16
“Are My Shoulders Distracting You?” by Mairi Alice Dun, age 17
“Autism: Educated and Extraordinary” by Isabella Zhang, age 17
“Bittersweet” by Rena Rachlin, age 15 “Child Labor in the U.S. Today” by Jasmine Campos, age 16 and Charlotte Principal, age 16
“China Needs Silver Lining” by Wangchen Zhou, age 17
“Colleges Should Abandon Race-Based Affirmative Action to Achieve True Diversity” by Eric Davis, age 18
“Embrace the Mess” by Chi Yu, age 14
“Fast Fashion Is Destroying Our World” by Melissa Wang, age 17
“Food Stamps Need a Change” by Patrick Meara, age 17
“Governor Cuomo Frees the Plastic Bagss” by Jiayan Chen, age 17
“Help Wanted: Moderate Politicians” by Ireland Degges, age 17
“High School Should Not Just Be About Sports” by Swathi Kella, age 16
“How Far Can Post-Truth Democracy Take Us?” by Jiahe Yang, age 18
“How to Revitalize the Public Education System” by Dhara Yu, age 18
“Last Man Standing” by Kathryn Porter, age 16
“Leave Me Alone” by Celia Silver, age 17
“More Than a Morning Kick” by Emma Cary, age 16
“Multiple Choice: Not Multiple Enough” by Yi-Mei Templeman, age 17
“Picking Cotton: An Immigrant’s Perspective” by Allan Njomo, age 16
“Post-Democracy” by Nadav Ziv, age 17
“Should Juvenile Offenders Receive Life Sentences Without Parole on Their First Offense?” by Tayler Gavetti, age 16
“Should Obamacare Be Repealed?” by William Pharo, age 16
“Single Payer: A Cure for America’s Healthcare Woes” by Akshay Manglik, age 13
“Streaky Friendship” by Yuxin Long, age 16
“Technology: A Hindrance to Learning” by Zachary Weiss, age 17
“Teens, Technology, and The Pursuit of Happiness” by Sam Jagolinzer, age 17
“The Bluest Note” by Nicholas Dasoveanu, age 18
“The College Conspiracy” by Serenity W., age 17
“The Cost of Health Care May Be in Your Genes” by Sophia Lo, age 16
“The Demoralizing of the Elizabethan Language” by Olivia Seymour, age 14
“The Disposable Nightmare” by Tianxin Guo, age 14
“The Education Gap” by Adam Traweek, age 16 “The Environment in the Age of Trump” by Elliot Tuttle, age 17
“The Growing Problem of Screen Addiction” by Kaitlin Craig, age 16
“The Picture of Education We Must Change” by Danielle Naidrich, age 17
“Tipping the Pay Scale” by Ruhee Damle, age 14
“Untitled” by Melinda Hartz, age 16
“We Should Be Teaching Rap Music in Schools” by Jack Zuckerman, age 19
“What Do You Call Someone That Only Speaks One Language? An American.” by Paige Patton, age 16
“Where Are All the Rainbows?” by Storm Viridian Murray, age 17
“Where Trump’s Ban Stands Legally” by Marcus Linde, age 16


以及所有决赛入围者,包括进入第 3 轮的 58 篇精彩社论

评委: Amanda Christy Brown, Shannon Doyne, Caroline Crosson Gilpin, Michael Gonchar, Annissa Hambouz, Thomas Houston, Shira Katz, Willow Lawson, Linda Leavitt, Sue Mermelstein, Anna North, Roxie Salamon-Abrams, Katherine Schulten, Matt Schwarzfeld, Natlie Shutler and Kate Spence-Ado