夏季阅读比赛第 1 周获胜者:Embracing Beige Flags


Katie Chung, 17, from Paramus, N.J., chose an article from the Style section headlined “What Is a ‘Beige Flag’?” and wrote:

What is a “beige flag”? One person I dated had a knack for reciting random historical facts at the drop of a hat; another had a penchant for organizing their bookshelf by the color of the spines rather than the author’s name. These traits were neither deal breakers nor instant attractions, but rather curious aspects that added individuality to their character: “beige flags.”

What fascinates me most about beige flags is their subjectivity. What may be an endearing quirk to one person could be utterly repellent to another. As I ponder beige flag TikToks and their comment sections, I witness a microcosm of the world’s opinions converging, showcasing the vast spectrum of human perspectives.

But the significance of beige flags extends beyond social media trends. It prompts us to reconsider the rigid expectations we impose on potential partners. In our quest for the perfect match, we tend to focus on red flags, fearing the pitfalls of poor compatibility. But in doing so, we overlook the beauty of embracing our partners’ quirks — the very things that make them unique.

Embracing beige flags means acknowledging that perfection is an elusive ideal, and relationships thrive on cherishing our differences. In an age marked by polarization and categorizing people as good or bad, welcoming the in-between becomes an effective tool for encouraging empathy; if we can extend this acceptance to other aspects of our lives, we can begin fostering a more compassionate society.