Origami in Space Engineering: Rediscovering the Meaning of Discovery

我们通过发表论文来表彰学生 STEM 写作比赛的前 11 名获奖者。这是李勋孙的。



这篇文章由来自韩国首尔Cornerstone Collegiate Academy of Seoul的17岁的Hoonsun Lee撰写,是学习网络第二届年度STEM写作比赛的前11名获奖者之一我们收到了3,741份参赛作品。

Origami in Space Engineering: Rediscovering the Meaning of Discovery

Rocket science is a discipline so notoriously difficult that the phrase “It’s not rocket science” is used to mark how easy something is. In space, scientists have to inhabit the uninhabitable with the bare essentials that a rocket can carry. So it can be hard to believe that a skill taught in kindergarten could be the next big discovery in the most difficult discipline in science.

Origami, the ancient art of paper folding, transforms the potential of a piece of material without changing its volume or weight. Folds maximize the functionality of a material, as seen when a piece of construction paper transforms into a standing crane or a jumping frog. In space engineering, origami is applied as a method of organizing luggage for space travel, increasing flexibility of spatial structures, and improving the accuracy of robotic motion.

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory has the lead in origami space engineering. Origami, with its folds, compresses materials and packs them in the smallest of volumes. In the words of Robert Salazar, an intern at the laboratory, “origami offers the potential to take a vast structure and get it to fit within the rocket,” therefore “greatly magnifying what we are capable of building in space.”

Not only is origami used for compression, but it’s also used for robotic exploration. Starshade, an occulter in NASA’s Exoplanet Exploration Program, the New Worlds Mission, prevents starlight from interfering with exoplanet pictures that the telescope takes. Its unfolding resembles a flower blooming; the petals spread out from the “stem,” which disconnects from the occulter and transforms into an independent telescope. Jeremy Kasdin, the principal investigator, expects that the mission will “allow us to directly image Earth-size, rocky exoplanets.” Origami makes this expansion possible without investing the energy and resources to have a human astronaut manually perform the mission.

As seen in the Starshade occulter, origami is one of the simplest and most elegant sets of directions scientists can relay to robots. While robots can perform actions humans are incapable of, human instincts cannot be programmed into them. However, the mechanical nature of material folding makes directions far more accurate and precise for robots to understand. Origami serves as a common language robots can easily interpret in space. Self-folding robots, developed by Samuel Felton, an assistant professor at Northeastern University, and his team, are one of the first adopters of this language. Electricity passes through the circuit board like blood running through veins, and the robot walks away after bending its body parts. Dr. Felton believes such robots could be deployed in space missions in the far future.

Origami space engineering teaches us that difficult problems often have simple solutions. Science celebrates discoveries and breaking new ground. Less spotlight is shone on rediscoveries; what we already possess can be given a new lease on life if we believe in its potential. In space, the final frontier, origami engineering serves as a humble reminder for scientists that a kind gaze at our individual potential can unleash the ultimate frontier within all of us.

Works Cited

Callahan, Molly. “New Professor Creates Self-Folding, Origami Robots.” News@Northeastern, 24 Oct. 2016.

Chang, Kenneth. “Origami Inspires Rise of Self-Folding Robot.” The New York Times, 7 Aug. 2014.

Good, Andrew. “What Looks Good on Paper May Look Good in Space.” Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 22 Sept. 2017.

Lee, Elizabeth. “Ancient Origami Art Becomes Engineers’ Dream in Space.” Voice of America, 26 Oct. 2017.

Rodriguez, Joshua. “Flower Power: NASA Reveals Spring Starshade Animation.” Exoplanet Exploration, 24 Sept. 2020.

A Rising Star: These Star-Shaped Polymers May Be Our Last Defense Against Superbugs

我们通过发表论文来表彰学生 STEM 写作比赛的前 11 名获奖者。这是金在贞的。

这篇文章由来自纽约市亨特学院高中的 Jaejeong Kim 撰写,现年 17 岁是学习网络第二届年度 STEM 写作比赛的前 11 名获奖者之一,我们收到了 3,741 份参赛作品。

A Rising Star: These Star-Shaped Polymers May Be Our Last Defense Against Superbugs

The horror starts with a single cut on your finger. Suddenly, your vulnerable insides are continuous with the wide expanse of the universe, and millions of bacteria swarm in. Your immune system puts up a valiant effort, but the bacteria simply multiply too quickly. Like a hydra, one defeated foe is replaced with two more. And as we watch helplessly, the invisible enemy destroys us from the inside. Blood pressure plummets, and multiple organs start shutting down. This is not a fear of the distant past — 700,000 people die annually from antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections. According to World Health Organization estimates, that number could jump to 10 million by 2050, overtaking the number of cancer deaths.

Bacterial infections are nothing new — they have been a persistent scourge for almost all of human history. But since the first antibiotic was discovered in 1928, killer bacteria have been consigned to the past. Nowadays, bacterial infections seem trivial — just pop a few antibiotics and you’re fine. But our heavy reliance on antibiotics may have taken a toll. Bacteria are living creatures, and they can evolve. As time passes, more and more bacteria are evolving to become resistant to our antibiotics. These antibiotic-resistant bacteria are known as “superbugs,” and we currently have almost no way to defeat them.

So with our antibiotics neutralized, what do we turn to? Luckily, a team from the Melbourne School of Engineering may have developed a new weapon. Named “structurally nanoengineered antimicrobial peptide polymers” (SNAPPs, for short), these star-shaped polymers target antibiotic-resistant bacteria and tear them apart.

As Shu Lam, one of the lead scientists, explained, “Bacteria need to divide and grow, but when our star is attached to the membrane, it interferes with these processes. This puts a lot of stress on the bacteria and it initiates a process to kill itself from stress.” The team found that the star polymers were effective against all Gram-negative bacteria they tested, including several antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The star polymers were also nontoxic to human cells and relatively cheap to produce, making them a good candidate for an antimicrobial drug.

But what if bacteria become resistant to these star polymers too? Scientists have found that this is unlikely to happen. Even after 600 generations, bacteria showed almost no resistance to the star polymers. The team believes that this is because the polymers kill bacteria through multiple pathways, while most antibiotics only kill with a single pathway. SNAPPs can “rip apart” the bacteria cell wall, cause uncontrolled movement of ions in and out of the bacteria cell membrane, and initiate a biochemical pathway that makes the bacteria kill itself. This multipronged approach makes it extremely difficult for bacteria to develop resistance to this new weapon.

There is still much work to be done — these star polymers have yet to be tested on humans and will require years of research and development before they can be widely available. But when the waning sun finally sets on the era of effective antibiotics, these polymers may be the star that lights our way.

Works Cited

Dwyer, Vincent. “Australian Scientists May Have Just Saved Us From Antibiotic-Resistant Superbugs.” Vice, 12 Sept. 2016.

Jacobs, Andrew. “U.N. Issues Urgent Warning On The Growing Peril Of Drug-Resistant Infections.” The New York Times, 29 April 2019.

Jacobs, Andrew. “W.H.O. Warns That Pipeline For New Antibiotics Is Running Dry.” The New York Times, 17 Jan. 2020.

Lam, Shu J., Neil M. O’Brien-Simpson, Namfon Pantarat, Adrian Sulistio, et al. “Combating Multidrug-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria With Structurally Nanoengineered Antimicrobial Peptide Polymers.” Nature Microbiology, 12 Sept. 2016.

Science News Staff. “Killing Superbugs With Star-Shaped Polymers, Not Antibiotics.” Science News, 13 Sept. 2016.

Seppa, Nathan. “Drug Resistance Has Gone Global, W.H.O. Says.” Science News, 30 April 2014.

Dishwashers and Dementia: The Brain System You’ve Never Heard Of

我们通过发表论文来表彰学生 STEM 写作比赛的前 11 名获奖者。这是玛吉·贝尔(Maggie Bell)的作品。

这篇文章由来自亚特兰大湖滨高中的 16 岁的 Maggie Bell 撰写,是学习网络第二届年度 STEM 写作比赛的前 11 名获奖者之一我们收到了 3,741 份参赛作品。

Dishwashers and Dementia: The Brain System You’ve Never Heard Of

The leaning tower of dishes. A greasy conglomeration caked in tomato sauce and fat that is the byproduct of a week’s worth of eating. During the day the brain builds up its own pile of dishes caked with toxins, and runs its personal dishwasher — the glymphatic system.

As if hitting the “begin wash” button, electrical waves, known as slow waves, pulse throughout the brain every 20 seconds. Research suggests that these electrical waves alter blood flow in the brain, creating extra space that is filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), the dish soap. CSF flows between membranes, washing away toxins that are produced during brain function. Just as we are too busy during the day to wash pots and pans, while awake, our brains surge with activity. With little space for CSF to fill, less clearing of toxins occurs. Laura Lewis of Boston University unearthed this method of waste removal and its correlation to brain health in a study just two years ago.

A lack of proper sleep limits the glymphatic system, causing grime to build up and impede brain function. While it may seem that the worst effect due to lack of sleep is putting salt instead of sugar into your coffee, improper functioning of the glymphatic system could be linked to Alzheimer’s and other cognitive degenerative diseases. Patients with Alzheimer’s have an abundance of the toxin beta-amyloid in the brain, a buildup William Jagust, a neuroscientist at the University of California Berkeley, calls “a vicious cycle where amyloid decreases sleep, and decreased sleep results in more amyloid.” Dr. Jagust anticipates that the functioning of the glymphatic system could be a factor in the development of Alzheimer’s and that quality sleep may be a preventive measure. As we age the slow waves that trigger the cleansing cycle decrease, giving a possible explanation for cognitive decline over the years.

Research involving the glymphatic system could lead to a better understanding of psychiatric disorders, as changes in the brain’s electrical impulses and sleep disturbances are common characteristics. Readings on the functioning of the glymphatic system may even serve as a future diagnostic tool or indicator of the likelihood of disease onset. With 51.5 million American adults suffering from a mental disorder, according to the National Institutes of Health, enough people to fill Yankee Stadium over 940 times, this research is promising. While follow-up research is done to confirm the relationship between slow waves and the glymphatic system, Maiken Nedergaard, a neurologist at the University of Rochester, says, “Maybe the most important take-home message is that sleep is a serious thing.” So go ahead, give yourself a cleanse.

Works Cited

Hamilton, Jon. “How Deep Sleep May Help The Brain Clear Alzheimer’s Toxins.” NPR, 31 Oct. 2019.

“How Sleep Clears the Brain.” National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 28 Oct. 2013.

Konnikova, Maria. “Goodnight. Sleep Clean.” The New York Times, 11 Jan. 2014.

Makin, Simon. “Deep Sleep Gives Your Brain a Deep Clean.” Scientific American, 1 Nov., 2019.

“Mental Illness.” National Institute of Mental Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Unleash the Tests: The Four-Legged Future of Covid-19 Testing

我们通过发表论文来表彰学生 STEM 写作比赛的前 11 名获奖者。这是索菲·阿拉滕(Sophie Araten)的作品。


这篇文章由Sophie Araten撰写,15岁,来自新泽西州米尔本的米尔本高中。,是学习网络第二届年度STEM写作比赛的前11名获奖者之一我们收到了3,741份参赛作品。

Unleash the Tests: The Four-Legged Future of Covid-19 Testing

She’s got pointy ears, a long snout and four strong legs. Meet your new Covid-19 test.

For years dogs have been used to detect bombs and drugs at airports, but our canine friends can also detect certain diseases, such as cancer and Parkinson’s disease, years before the onset of symptoms.

How can they do this? A dog’s nose has between 125 and 300 million scent glands, compared to a human nose, which only has about five million. As a result, a dog’s sense of smell can be up to 100,000 times more sensitive than a human’s. If there were a juicy steak 10 miles away, your dog’s nose could find it. So, when diseases cause people to emit slightly different odors, dogs can detect them.

With Covid-19 occupying the minds of scientists around the world, it was only a matter of time before researchers put dogs to the test to see if they could sniff out the novel coronavirus. Lucky for us, they can. Indeed, researchers have started to train dogs to detect Covid-19 in human sweat samples, and many countries are looking to dogs for cheap, reliable and rapid testing.

It is believed that dogs can recognize a scent produced by volatile organic compounds generated by catabolites, substances produced during replication of the Covid-19 virus. Catabolites exit the body in the form of sweat, which then carries a scent that dogs can detect and be trained to identify.

Dogs in recent trials could pick up the scent of Covid-19 in asymptomatic carriers, and many could even detect Covid-19 earlier than a PCR test could. As Cynthia Otto, the director of the Penn Vet Working Dog Center at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, explained to me in an interview: “PCR identifies the RNA associated with the virus. It requires sufficient virus to capture that signal. The dogs pick up the odor of the person’s response to infection. That response could be activated before the virus is in sufficient numbers in the sample collected.”

Another drawback of PCR testing is its speed, often taking several days to get results back. In contrast, dogs could screen hundreds of people in a matter of minutes in busy places such as airports and sports stadiums. Beyond their speed, dogs are also accurate, with the ability to identify positive samples about 95 percent of the time and with a false negativity rate of around one percent in trials. Dr. Otto worries, however, that “If a dog is trained but inadvertently does not actually recognize Covid, then use of this dog would result in false negatives, which would provide inaccurate information and could result in greater spread.”

For this reason, Dr. Otto suggests that “Dogs potentially could be used for screening, rather than diagnosis,” which would allow for “rapid identification of people who need further testing.”

Either way, there is great potential for dogs to help control the pandemic. These inexpensive and quick canine testers could help us get back to a pre-Covid normal.

Works Cited

Hunt, Katie. “Dogs Can be Trained to Detect Covid-19 by Sniffing Human Sweat, Study Suggests.” CNN, 10 Dec. 2020.

Lee, Jack. “New Coronavirus Tests Promise to be Faster, Cheaper and Easier.” Science News, 31 Aug. 2020.

McNeil Jr., Donald. “Dogs Can Detect Malaria. How Useful Is That?” The New York Times, 25 Nov. 2018.

Moysich, Kirsten. “Can Dogs Smell Cancer?” Rosewell Park Cancer Center. 25 Aug. 2020.

Otto, Cynthia. Personal Interview.

Peltier, Elian. “The Nose Needed for This Coronavirus Test Isn’t Yours. It’s a Dog’s.” The New York Times, 23 Sept. 2020.

Mycowood Violins: A Different Kind of Time Machine

我们通过发表论文来表彰学生 STEM 写作比赛的前 11 名获奖者。这是纳塔利娅·阿拉尼亚(Natalia Araña)的作品。

信用。。。Michael Darnton/Darnton & Hersh

这篇文章由来自菲律宾奎松市菲律宾科学高中的16岁的Natalia Araña撰写,是学习网络第二届年度STEM写作比赛的前11名获奖者之一我们收到了3,741份参赛作品。

Mycowood Violins: A Different Kind of Time Machine

The towering walls of the concert hall are filled with anticipation as the audience holds its breath. Suddenly, a warm, colorful melody begins to play, filling the whole building with its majestic sound.

This is the magic of the world’s most famous violin — the Stradivarius, made over 250 years ago by Italian luthier Antonio Stradivari. Today, only a few hundred of these million-dollar violins are still in existence; even fewer are being used for performance. But what if we could travel back in time and find a way to remake its unique sound?

For years, many have tried to identify and recreate what makes the instrument so special. Yet for violinists, the Stradivarius remained superior. Recently, however, scientists were able to discover one of the culprits behind the mystery of why the Stradivarius was so hard to replicate — global warming.

“Nowadays, trees grow more rapidly and unevenly than during a very particular cold spell in the 17th century, when the wood for Stradivari’s instruments was felled,” explained scientist Francis W.M.R. Schwarze from the Empa Applied Wood Materials Lab.

During that cold climate, wood from European spruces was homogeneous: perfect for creating an instrument with a uniform structure. Today, as the global temperature increases, spruce trees grow wood with greater density. This negatively affects the properties of an instrument’s vibrations, which are also known as sound waves.

Sound waves, like tiny ocean waves, have crests and troughs with varying amplitudes. When the amplitude of sound waves traveling through a violin’s plate is large compared to the force on its strings, the instrument’s sound emission increases. To achieve this high plate amplitude, the wood used for the instrument must have a high radiation ratio: the ratio between sound velocity and density.

In order to let modern-day wood acquire this characteristic, Dr. Schwarze designed a different kind of time machine — an invention that could take us back to an era when wood growth and density were still untouched by global warming. How? By recreating the effects of the cold temperature on wood using a not-so-secret living weapon: white rot fungi.

For three months, Dr. Schwarze let these decomposers feast on the wood until its cells shrunk, letting the timber reach its optimal density without largely affecting the speed of sound travel through the material. The result? A higher radiation ratio that made the newly created “mycowood” one step closer to the resonance wood used by Stradivari — close enough, in fact, that most listeners in a blind test mistook a fungi-treated violin for the original Stradivarius!

With these positive results, this technology could provide musicians with accessible instruments made from high quality wood, even when the original material is lost to the past.

We have tried to replicate many things taken away by climate change, from the exquisite wood of the Stradivarius to the beautiful landscapes of nature. Although we can’t recover everything, researchers like Dr. Schwarze are continuing to find ways to restore the past as we carry on our battle for a more sustainable future.

Works Cited

Belluck, Pam. “A Strad? Violinists Can’t Tell.” The New York Times, 21 Feb. 2021.

Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology. “Biotech Violins.” Newswise, 16 Feb. 2018.

Garisto, Dan. “Sound Ways — Literally — to Move and Filter Things.” Science News for Students, 6 Dec. 2019.

Schwarze, Francis W.M.R. and Hugh Morris. “Banishing the Myths and Dogmas Surrounding the Biotech Stradivarius.” 16 April 2020.

“Stradivarius Violins.” Smithsonian.

第二届年度 STEM 写作比赛的获奖者

从蛇毒和蛋壳到阿尔茨海默氏症和 Covid-19,学生们解释了科学、技术、工程和数学领域的概念。



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Natalia Araña, age 16, Philippine Science High School, Quezon City, Philippines: “Mycowood Violins: A Different Kind of Time Machine

Sophie Araten, age 15, Millburn High School, Millburn, N.J.: “Unleash the Tests: The Four-Legged Future of Covid-19 Testing

Maggie Bell, age 16, Lakeside High School, Atlanta, Ga.: “Dishwashers and Dementia: The Brain System You’ve Never Heard Of

Jaejeong Kim, age, 17, Hunter College High School, New York, N.Y.: “A Rising Star: These Star-Shaped Polymers May Be Our Last Defense Against Superbugs

Hoonsun Lee, age 17, Cornerstone Collegiate Academy of Seoul, Seoul, South Korea: “Origami in Space Engineering: Rediscovering the Meaning of Discovery

Suleiman Mohamed, age 16, British School Muscat, Muscat, Oman: “The Peacock Mantis Shrimp: The Ant-Man of Atlantis

Nicola Myers, age 17, Boise High School, Boise, Idaho: “And the Grammy Goes to … Fin Whales?

Erin Rasmussen, age 14, Andover High School, Andover, Mass.: “The World’s Best Quarantiners

Kelly Shen, age 16, Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton, Calif.: “From Babbling to Birdsong: What Finches Can Teach Us About Vocal Learning

Dana Steinke, age 16, Saratoga High School, Saratoga, Calif.: “The Motion of the Ocean: Using Sea Waves to Desalinate Seawater

Jocelyn Tan, age 15, Ridge High School, Basking Ridge, N.J.: “Sleep to Clean: A Prevention of Plaques That Lead to Alzheimer’s Disease

Simran Anand, age 16, Crestwood Preparatory College, Toronto, Ontario: “Tiny Heros”

Elizabeth Banzhaf, age 17, Lakeside High School, Atlanta, Ga.: “The Magic of Fireflies”

Varun Fuloria, age 14, The Harker School, San Jose, Calif,: “The Healing Powers of a Deadly Bite — Medicinal Applications of Snake Venom”

Alyssa Kang, age 13, J.H.S. 067 Louis Pasteur, Little Neck, N.Y.: “Eggshells and Tomato Peels: Your Next Set of Tires”

Pooja Kanyadan, age 15, Wheeler High School, Marietta, Ga.: “The Curious Case of Orange Fur: Epigenetics and Its Powerful Role in Gene Expression”

Anna Lehman, age 15, Porter-Gaud School, Charleston, S.C.: “Air Pollution Against Our Global Aviary: An Unacknowledged Attack on Birds Everywhere”

Zheshen Li, age 16, Princeton International School of Mathematics and Science, Princeton, N.J.: “The More You Build, the Worse It Gets: Braess’s Paradox”

Emily Liu, age 17, Northview High School, Duluth, Ga.: “Happy Pills? Emotions and the Search for a Way to Control Them, Starting With Antidepressants”

Evan Lu, age 15, Conestoga High School, Berwyn, Pa.: “Machine-Made Music: How Artificial Intelligence Is Redefining Musical Composition”

Diya Mukherjee, age 15, The Harker Upper School, San Jose, Calif.: “Dying Patients, Dying Transplants: The Potential of Machine Perfusion”

Shivani Patel, age 17, Manhasset High School, Manhasset, N.Y.: “The Role of Cytokines in the Immune System: Friends or Foes?”

Uma Sthanu, age 13, Pearson Ranch Middle School, Austin, Texas: “Eye-to-Eye: How We Receive and Send Emotional Signals Through Our Eyes”

Vanessa Yip, age 15, Cheltenham Ladies’ College, Gloucester, United Kingdom: “Do Animals Grieve?”

Kathleen Zhang, age 17, The Peddie School, Hightstown, N.J.: “Viruses Can Save Lives — The Scope of Oncolytic Virus Therapy”

Yanze Ryan Zhu, age 12, Rumsey Hall School, Washington Depot, Conn.: “The Unexpected Sequela of Coronavirus”

Brian Caballo, age 17, The Bronx High School of Science, Bronx, N.Y.: “Wintertime Regression and Seasonal Depression”

Camille Campbell, age 16, home-school, Scottsdale, Ariz.: “Making a Martian: Is Tardigrade Genetic Material the Key to Colonizing Mars?”

Sam: “Facial Recognition Is Everywhere”

Isabela: “The Crying Bias: How Preventing Yourself From Crying Might Be Detrimental to Your Health”

Eric Han, age 17, Great Valley High School, Phoenixville, Pa.: “The Issue of Plastic Pollution, and How Bacteria and Engineered Enzymes Are Fighting Back”

Huda Haque, age 17, North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, Durham, N.C.: “Time Isn’t Real. So How Do Our Brains Keep Track of It?”

Jisoo Hwang, age 17, Mclean High School, Mclean, Va.: “Two Simple Clicks: A New Solution to Help the Environment”

Robert Igbokwe, age 18, Latin School of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.: “The Shortcut for Slowing Climate Change That We Absolutely Shouldn’t Take”

Celina Jia, age 14, Livingston High School, Livingston N.J.: “The Growing Danger of Antibiotic-Resistant Germs”

Ishika Jain, age 14, Glen Burnie High School, Glen Burnie, Md.: “No Needles Needed: A Plant-Based Oral Vaccine for Rabies”

Sean Kim, age 16, Tenafly High School, Tenafly, N.J.: “Keto: Diet and Cure?”

Kate Kimball, age 17, Coppell High School, Coppell, Texas, and Hana Yang, age 17, Parkland High School, Allentown, Pa.: “Direct Air Capture: A Solution for a Carbon Neutral Future”

Ella Kitt, age 18, Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy, La Cañada, Calif.: “Pavlov Says Press Like: How Social Media Hijacks Neural Pathways”

Aliya Shahnaz Kraybill, age 15, United World College of Southeast Asia, Singapore: ‘’Thank You for the Music’: “Thank You for the Music”

Pragya Kumar, age 16, Poolesville High School, Poolesville, Md.: “The Truth About Lie Detection”

Saachi Kuthariage, age 16, Millburn High School, Millburn, N.J.: “Bacteria and Yeast Could Be the Future of the Fashion Industry. Here’s How.”

Jeffrey: “Killing Superbugs With … Air? How Singlet Oxygen Can Hold the Line Against Antibacterial Resistant Bacteria”

Richard Lin, age 16, Bellaire High School, Houston, Texas: “Coronavirus Tests and Crime Scene Forensics: The Science Behind the Polymerase Chain Reaction”

Sherry Liu, age 17, North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, Durham, N.C.: “The Password You Can Never Forget”

Yumu Liu, age 18, Rancho Solano Preparatory School, Scottsdale, Ariz.: “Skin Hunger”

Nichapatr (Petch) Lomtakul, age 16, Bangkok Patana School, Bangkok, Thailand: “Uncoordinated Ripples: Why You Have a Bad Memory”

Yuhong Lu, age 17, Bellevue High School, Bellevue, Wash.: “Struggling to Memorize? Go Sleep!”

Megan Luong, age 15, Notre Dame High School, San Jose, Calif.: “The Treasure Chest of 21st Century Medicine: Deep-Sea Coral Ecosystems Hold Potential Cures”

Zane Miller, age 18, Garaway Local Schools, Sugarcreek, Ohio: “Human Limb Regeneration Might Not Be Too Far Away”

Abigail Negron, age 16, Jose Marti STEM Academy, Union City, N.J: “Tiny Roommates: The Reality of Where You Sleep”

Ambika Polavarapu, age 17, Millburn High School, Millburn, N.J.: “Maybe Viruses Don’t Have to Be the Bad Guys?”

Mulan Qin, age 17, BASIS International School, Hangzhou, China: “Seeking Light from Darkness”

Cathrine Sakin, age 16, Walter G. O’Connell Copiague High School, Copiague, N.Y.: “Light Pollution and Consequential Nocturnal Pollination Patterns”

Zinuo Wu, age 19, North Cross School, Shanghai, China: “Protein ‘Noodle Soup’: Playing With Disorder in a Rational Biological World”

Eason Yang, age 16, Trinity College School, Port Hope, Ontario: “Farewell to the Pandemic Year: How Does the mRNA Vaccine Function?”

Athena Yeung, age 16, Burlingame High School, Burlingame, Calif.: “CRISPR: The Future in the Fight Against Cancer”

Kate: “The Sweet Lies Behind Artificial Sweetener”

Hyunseo (Cecilia) Yoon, age 14, Seoul International School, Seoul, South Korea: “Notorious App Deepfake Makes Digital Farewell Possible”

Sophia Zhang, age 16, Homestead High School, Cupertino, Calif.: “Human-Produced Noise Pollution Is Now Affecting Bat Hunting Patterns”

Olivia Zhu, age 15, James Madison Memorial High School, Madison, Wis.: “Hydroponics: The Sustainable Way to Feed Everyone Nutritious Food”

Yitian Zhu, age 18, Seven Lakes High School, Katy, Texas: “Metallic Hydrogen: A High-Pressure Oxymoron”

From the Society for Science Community: Victoria Bampoh, Samm Blunt, David Bray, Jennifer Donnelly, Phebe Martinez Fuentes, Shantanu Gaur, Michelle Hackman, Dana Herbsman, Lori Herbsman, Meghan Hess, Kehakashan Khan, Allison Lee, David Lockett, Nadia Makar, Aaron Meyer, Amanda Nix, Dawn Parker, Shannon Payne, Breann Ross, Gerald Sanders, Ernst Schneidereit, Amy Telford, Yesenia Torrescolon, Peggy Veatch, Laura Wilbanks and Jieun Yoo

From The New York Times Science-Journalism Community: David Brown, Cara Giamo, Shannon Stirone

From The Learning Network Community: Kathryn Curto, Michael Gonchar, Jeremy Engle, Simon Levien, Tiffany Liu, Keith Meatto, Natalie Proulx, Katherine Schulten, Melissa Slater, Vanessa Vieux,

第三届年度 STEM 写作比赛获奖名单




我们与《科学新闻》的合作伙伴一起,邀请学生选择科学、技术、工程、数学或健康方面的一个问题或问题,并在 500 字以内进行解释。有些人解决了他们在自己生活中观察到的问题,比如麦齐耀,他在接受手术后想知道什么可以帮助伤口更快地愈合。(一个答案?罗非鱼皮。其他人对周围的世界感到好奇。海伦·罗奇(Helen Roche)想了解颜色如何影响大脑——她甚至在家里的不同颜色的房间里写了一篇文章来找出答案。(“紫色是迄今为止最好的,橙色是迄今为止最差的。还有一些人承担了重大的全球性问题,比如艾米丽·邢(Emily Xing),她想找到解决吸烟的方法(她的祖国中国是世界领先的烟草消费国),最终也找到了应对气候变化的解决方案。

从 3,564 个参赛作品中,我们选出了 8 个获奖者、16 个亚军和 33 个荣誉奖。这些文章不仅向我们介绍了一个有趣的科学或数学概念,而且以一种外行人可以理解的方式进行,并且阅读起来很吸引人。您可以通过以下链接完整阅读八篇获奖文章。





Varun Fuloria, age 15, The Harker School, San Jose, Calif.: “Stayin’ Alive: How the Immortal Jellyfish Cheats Death

Amy Ge, age 15, The Governor’s Academy, Byfield, Mass.: “Dry Nasal Covid-19 Vaccines: A Pain- and Needle-Free Alternative

Rahul Koppisetti, age 16, Livingston High School, Livingston, N.J.: “Maggots: A Revolting Medical Rebirth

Helen Roche, age 17, Lakewood High School, Lakewood, Ohio: “Color and the Brain: Are We All Simply Puppets of the Color Palette?

Pyncha Soottreenart, age 17, Bangkok International Preparatory and Secondary School, Bangkok: “From Foe to Friend: The Mosquito’s Painkiller

Emily Xing, age 16, Centennial High School, Ellicott City, Md.: “From Addiction to … Aviation? Tobacco, an Unexpected Fuel for the Future

Qi Yao Mak, age 15, Shanghai High School International Division, Shanghai: “Tasty Tilapia: Your Next Bandage?

Anya Zhang, age 17, Dublin Jerome High School, Dublin, Ohio: “From Car Sensors to Archeological Maps, Laser Technology Proves a Bright Idea


Rysa Antonette Ang, age 16, Philippine Science High School, Quezon City, Philippines: “The Tale of the Modern-Day Sirens”

Minjae Baek, age 17, Korea International School, Jeju, Korea: “Adsorption-Based Separation: A Step Closer to Combating Climate Change”

Sabrina Bauche Roberta Córdova, age 16, La Salle, Cancún, Mexico: “Extraterrestrial Plants: The Future of Sustainability in Space”

Anne Christiono, age 15, William P. Clements High School, Sugar Land, Texas: “Cursing to Cope With Pain and Stress: An Evolutionary Explanation”

Youyi Ding, age 15, Westmont High School, Campbell, Calif.: “Wordle Spelling our ABCs: The Science Behind Wordle”

Crystal Fu, age 16, William B. Travis High School, Richmond, Texas: “The Condition That CHEW’ve Never Heard Of”

Robert Gao, age 15, University Laboratory High School, Urbana, Ill.: “Cutting-Edge Magic: How CRISPR and Cas9 Redefine the Impossible”

Bryan Deidrick Kho, age 16, St. Louis 1 Catholic Senior High School, Surabaya, Indonesia: “Inner Speech: Conscience or Crazy?”

Dohyun Kim, age 17, Seoul Foreign School, Seoul: “Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy: Where Brain Meets Brawn”

Audrey Kuo, age 16, The Academy for Mathematics, Science and Engineering, Rockaway, N.J.: “Songbirds and Synapses: How Music Facilitates Neurogenesis and Fights Alzheimer’s”

Malissa Li, age 11, Mason Intermediate School, Mason, Ohio: “Lessons Learned From Laziness: How Bears Beat Muscle Stiffness”

Stephanie Qian, age 12, Suncrest Elementary School, Burnaby, British Columbia: “Human Decomposition: From Human Corpses to Garden Soil”

Caroline Pettigrew, age 15, Bellaire High School, Houston: “Smart Shirt: The Fashion of the Future”

Grace Sun, age 16, The Bishop’s School, San Diego, Calif.: “Music of the Heart”

Hongning Wang, age 15, Eastlake High School, Sammamish, Wash.: “Meet AlphaFold, the Artificial Intelligence Unfolding Biochemistry”

Yu Xiao, age 14, North Allegheny Intermediate High School, Pittsburgh: “Can the ‘Magic Drug’ Metformin Significantly Increase Your Lifespan?”

Honorable Mentions

Julia Banuelos, age 16, Piedmont High School, Piedmont, Calif.: “Understanding the Psychology and Neuroscience of Implicit Bias”

Weihan Chen, age 14, Valley Forge Middle School, Wayne, Pa.: “How Running Helps the Human Brain Stay on Track”

Joshua Diao, age 17, Mission San Jose High School, Fremont, Calif.: “The Hermit Thrush: A Singer’s Closest Relative”

Ella Evans, age 14, Bellaire High School, Houston: “How a ‘Poop-Pill’ Can Remedy a Peanut Allergy”

Angel Gupta, age 16, Wilton High School, Wilton, Conn.: “Tan, Sunburn or None of the Above: The Underrated Truth Behind Our Skin Color”

Alice Guo, age 17, Westford Academy, Westford, Mass.: “Revenge Is a Dish Best Served … Through Procrastination?”

Myungjae Han, age 17, Kellett School, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong: “Xenotransplantation: Pigs, Frankenstein and the Future of Medicine”

Amelia Joseph, age 15, Indus International School, Bangalore, India: “Losing the Genetic Lottery: The Blue People of Kentucky”

Saahil Joshi, age 17, Crystal Springs Uplands School, Hillsborough, Calif.: “Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth: The Science and Future of Drug-Drug Interactions”

Micah: “Salt: The Sapid and Sophisticated Seasoning”

Katherine Kricorian, age 17, Santa Susana High School, Simi Valley, Calif.: “From Algae to Energy: A Blooming Solution to Pollution”

Chloe Lee, age 14, Korea International School Pangyo Campus, Gyeonggi-do, Korea: “Do Plants Have Feelings?”

Seungjae (Andy) Lee, age 13, Hong Kong International School, Tai Tam, Hong Kong: “Keeping Your Pet Friend Forever: Is Cloning a Soul Possible?”

Zhuocheng Li, age 16, Green Hope High School, Cary, N.C.: “The Blood That Saved Countless Lives”

Andrew C. Lin, age 12, Visions in Education Homeschool Academy, Carmichael, Calif.: “Breaking the Speech Barrier”

Andy Lu, age 16, Desert Vista High School, Phoenix: “Hypersonic Flight: Can We Go Faster?”

Camille: “Sugar and the Body: A Bittersweet Relationship”

Natalia Meza, age 17, American School of Madrid, Madrid: “What Happens in Vagus, Stays in Vagus?”

Aman Mistry, age 17, Smithtown High School, East Saint James, N.Y.: “Helping a Blind Man See: The Miracle of Optogenetics”

Dalli (Diane) Nam, age 14, The Madeira School, McLean, Va.: “Could Genetically-Engineered Pigs Save Human Lives?”

Khew Pearlvei and Tan Hui Shi, ages 16, Raffles Girls’ School (Secondary), Singapore: “The Ickiest Big Business: Human Waste to Fuel”

Megan Rowe, age 15, The Potomac School, McLean, Va.: “Lighting Up the Way: How Bioluminescence Helps Us Survive”

Suyeon Ryu, age 15, Stuyvesant High School, New York, N.Y.: “The Role Racial Classification Lies in Science”

Brent Shi, age 14, Atlanta International School, Atlanta: “It’s the Yeast We Can Do: A Fungus Prompting Big Discoveries in Space Travel”

Betty Shiqing Lu, age 16, United World College, Changshu, China: “An Unexpected Burst of Energy: Supercapacitors Made From the Glossy-Leaved Paper Plant”

Jenny Tang, age 17, duPont Manual High School, Louisville, Ky.: “A Lending (Augmented) Hand: How Virtual Reality Redefines the Surgical World”

Rishi Vridhachalam, age 16, Portola High School, Irvine, Calif.: “Shrouded in Slime, an Ancient Sea Sounds the Siren”

Priya Venkatesan, age 17, Walton High School, Marietta, Ga.: “Elephants: Colossal, Resilient and the Key to Curing Cancer”

Lucia Wang, age 17, Staples High School, Westport, Conn.: “Crumbling Paintings, Swelling Crystals and Menacing Monsoons: Climate Change’s Erasure of Humanity’s Oldest Art”

Guanhua Wen, age 15, Sage Hill School, Newport Coast, Calif.: “Nature’s Murder Mystery: The Bloodfall in Antarctica”

Angela Yang, age 14, Granada Hills Charter High School, Los Angeles: “A Dance Party on the Spinal Cord: The New Cure for Paralysis”

Serena Yue, age 12, Basis International School, Shenzhen, China: “The Musical Power of Healing: Reducing Epileptic Seizures”

Zhishuo Zhu age 17, Hangzhou Foreign Language School, Hangzhou, China: “Artificial Intelligence: Becoming Human”


From the Society for Science Community: Victoria Bampoh, David Bray, Jennifer Donnelly, Phebe Martinez Fuentes, Terianne Hall, Lori Herbsman, Meghan Hess, Kehakashan Khan, Jefferson Marshall, Amanda Nix, Dawn Parker, Shannon Payne, Breann Ross, Amy Telford, Yesenia Torrescolon, Peggy Veatch, Laura Wilbanks, Jieun Yoo

From The New York Times Science-Journalism Community: David Brown, Cara Giamo, Shannon Stirone

From The Learning Network Community: Kathryn Curto, Jeremy Engle, Caroline Gilpin, Michael Gonchar, Annissa Hambouz, Simon Levien, Keith Meatto, Natalie Proulx, Vanessa Vieux, Sonya Wisdom

From Car Sensors to Archaeological Maps, Laser Technology Proves a Bright Idea

我们通过发表论文来表彰学生 STEM 写作比赛的前八名获奖者。这是张安雅的。

这篇文章由来自俄亥俄州都柏林都柏林杰罗姆高中的 17 岁的 Anya Zhang 撰写,是学习网络第三届年度 STEM 写作比赛的前八名获奖者之一我们收到了 3,564 份参赛作品。

Straight from a science fiction blockbuster, light particles allow self-driving cars to detect surrounding objects, scientists to map out the ocean floor, and even archaeologists to uncover historical monuments. Gee-whiz as it may seem, light detection and ranging, or lidar, utilizes light molecules to “see” the environment around it.

So how is lidar able to detect objects? Through laser pulses, light photons are shot out, interacting with the different surfaces they encounter. Think of billiard balls — a poke from the pool cue sends the balls flying, knocking into the table sides or bouncing off one another until they plummet into the corner pockets. Similar to billiards, some of the light particles reflect off a surface and return back to the pocket of the lidar instrument.

Carrying energy in a “waveform,” lidar technology collects data on the time and angle at which the light photons enter the instrument. Lidar compiles photons arriving at similar times and directions into energy spikes; larger spikes indicate that the light bounced off an object or the ground. Using these spikes and the x-, y- and z-coordinate information provided by individual photons, lidar can depict a minuscule surface. Stitching these surfaces into a patchwork, lidar can generate detailed 3-D representations of an area, presenting even the leaves of trees or the crevices in a sidewalk.

Different technologies can also use unique types of light, depending on the purpose. For example, one of the two categories of lidar, bathymetric, uses green light. This green light can penetrate water, which makes it useful for charting underwater surfaces. The other category of lidar, topographic, uses infrared light: a classification of light that ranks on the lower end of the electromagnetic energy spectrum compared to green light. Topographic lidar is typically employed to map out land features and is utilized in smaller sensors.

Currently, smaller lidar sensors are used to detect speeding violations or to sense road surroundings in self-driving cars. However, more powerful lidar technology is implemented for a larger task: visually representing entire land expanses. In October of 2021, Science News reported that lasers aided the archaeological discovery of an underground plaza and pyramid in Guatemala.

David Stuart, the director of the Mesoamerica Center of the University of Texas at Austin, explained that “there was no visible stonework there” so “it was thought to be a natural hill.” Encrusted with soil and vegetation, the structures were camouflaged from the everyday eye. However, because of the lidar maps collected by helicopters, archaeologists matched the layout of the “hill” to that of a similar structure: La Ciudadela, a plaza located near Mexico City. This revelation led experts to discover the hidden structures.

Outside of its archaeological implications, lidar maps provide a multitude of exciting opportunities. Scientists can use the technology to characterize vegetation in different ecosystems or to plan efforts in the face of landslides or tsunamis. No matter its application, lidar is certainly making “light” work of science fiction laser fantasies by making 3-D-mapping aspirations a reality.

Works Cited

Bower, Bruce. “Lidar Reveals a Possible Blueprint for Many Olmec and Maya Ceremonial Sites.” Science News, 27 Oct. 2021.

Quain, John R. “What Self-Driving Cars See.” The New York Times, 25 May 2017.

Rodrigues, Meghie. “Lasers Reveal Construction Inspired by Ancient Mexican Pyramids in Maya Ruins.” Science News, 22 Oct. 2021.

Wasser, Leah A. “The Basics of Lidar — Light Detection and Ranging — Remote Sensing.” Neon, 7 Oct. 2020.

“What Is Lidar and What Is It Used For?” American Geosciences Institute, 2 Nov. 2020.

Tasty Tilapia: Your Next Bandage?

我们通过发表论文来表彰学生 STEM 写作比赛的前八名获奖者。这个是麦琦瑶写的。

信用。。。Meridith Kohut为《纽约时报》撰稿

A slimy, grayish, thin rectangular patch was put on the electrician Josué Bezerra Jr.’s burn wound. But that flap of scaly, stretchable skin wasn’t just any bandage. It could be lying on your dinner table now. Meet the humble tilapia, the new Brazilian savior.

Brazil’s hospitals lack ready supply of the usual human, pig and artificial skin needed to satisfy burn treatment demands. So, doctors often use sulfurside cream and gauze to dress wounds, which requires painful daily dressings. Dr. Edmar Maciel then thought to use tilapia skin, which was readily available, as an alternative bandage. In 2015, he started preclinical trials with tilapia skin at the Federal University of Ceará.

The treatment begins with doctors cleansing the fish skin with multiple solutions, then sending it to São Paulo for radiosterilization, ensuring that it’s virus-free. Tilapia skin can last up to two years after sterilization.

During treatment, doctors disinfect the wound area thoroughly before applying the sterilized tilapia skin. The skin covers the wound area and stays on until recovery, just like a permanent Band-Aid. Tilapia skin “prevents loss of moisture and proteins on the wound and it stays bonded to the bed of the wound until it heals over,” Dr. Maciel said. This process helps the wound to recover faster and protects it from contamination. Moreover, tilapia skin has high type I collagen content. The collagen component promotes the growth of fibroblasts, a type of cell in the connective tissue, helping the wound patch up and generate new layers of skin. Eventually, the tilapia skin will dry out — no need for the daily changing that cream and gauze require.

Surprisingly, the tilapia approach was more effective than the cream and gauze. Dr. Maciel’s 2017 Phase II study compared the traditional method with the tilapia bandage. One hundred fifteen outpatients ranging from 18 to 70 years old participated in the study. Half used the conventional method; half used tilapia. On average, the tilapia group took 1.43 days fewer to regenerate their skin and used 3.72 fewer dressings than the gauze and cream group.

“I didn’t take any antibiotics or pain medication. At 13 days, it was already scarring over,” Mr. Bezerra reported, satisfied at his speedy recovery.

Compared with other types of skin bandages, tilapia provides more benefits. Pig and toad skin have limited usage because of the risk of animal disease infections. Human skin banks rely heavily on donors; however, each check-passed donor can only provide one-third of his or her total skin. On the other hand, tilapia skin comes readily from tilapia fish farms as a waste product and has no risk of infection.

The American Burn Association reports that around 450,000 burn patients need medical attention each year. That rate is higher among low- and-middle-income countries, such as Brazil and many more. Fortunately, at least 500 burn victims have received the tilapia bandage. Doctors hope that it can reach more patients in the years to come.

Works Cited

Associated Press. “Grafted Skin Aids Burn Victims, But There Is a Need for Donors.” The New York Times, 14 June 1981.

“Burns.” World Health Organization, 6 March 2018.

de Sousa, Sérgio. “300+ Burn Victims Treated With Tilapia Skin in Ceará Since 2016.” Agência UFC, 20 May 2021.

Maciel Lima Jr., Edmar, et al. “Nile Tilapia Fish Skin-Based Wound Dressing Improves Pain and Treatment-Related Costs of Superficial Partial-Thickness Burns: A Phase III Randomized Controlled Trial.” Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 1 May 2021.

Sussman, Nadia. “Can Tilapia Skin Be Used to Bandage Burns?” YouTube, uploaded by STAT News, 2 March 2017.

“Tilapia Skin Burn Bandage.” World Innovation Summit for Health, 5 Aug. 2021.

Valenzuela-Rojo, David R., et al. “Tilapia (Oreochromis aureus) Collagen for Medical Biomaterials.” Seaweed Biomaterials, 5 Nov. 2018.

Yang, Fei, et al. “Marine Collagen Peptides Promote Cell Proliferation of NIH-3T3 Fibroblasts Via NF-κB Signaling Pathway.” Molecules, 19 Nov. 2019.

From Addiction to … Aviation? Tobacco, an Unexpected Fuel for the Future

我们通过发表论文来表彰学生 STEM 写作比赛的前八名获奖者。这是邢慧仪的。


这篇文章由Emily Xing撰写,16岁,来自马里兰州埃利科特市的百年高中。,是学习网络第三年度STEM写作比赛的前八名获奖者之一,我们收到了3,564份参赛作品。

July 15, 2016. The world held its breath as a revolutionary airplane blazed overhead, leaving a silver trail across the sky. Forever changing countless industries, this flight was powered not by conventional fossil fuels, but rather by the world’s leading cause of preventable death: tobacco.

Today’s society faces a devastating smoking epidemic. According to the World Health Organization, tobacco products kill over eight million people annually — more than malaria, influenza, tuberculosis, AIDS and alcohol combined.

Unfortunately, millions of workers also depend on this deadly plant to support their families. A study by researchers at McGill University highlights why these farmers hesitate to switch to alternative crops: Tobacco has always had a readily available market, and its lands are typically unsuitable for any other plant. Completely eliminating tobacco therefore may not be the most feasible solution. So what if we repurposed it for healthy innovations, such as a sustainable fuel for the future, instead?

In 2014, South African Airways, Boeing and SkyNRG launched Project Solaris. The goal? To cultivate tobacco that can send airplanes into the sky.

Aviation is projected to account for over 22 percent of global carbon emissions by 2050, which makes finding eco-friendly energy sources an industry priority. Solaris, a special nicotine-free tobacco strain with maximized seed yield, is one promising solution. Scientists are refining the oil within these seeds to craft bioenergy that, compared to conventional fossil fuels, reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 83 percent!

On July 15, 2016, South African Airways flew its very first tobacco-powered flight. Six thousand three hundred liters of Solaris bioenergy carried the airplane from Johannesburg to Cape Town — a journey that, as Ian Cruickshank, the airline’s environmental affairs specialist, said, “shows the industry is really changing. Four or five years ago biofuel was seen as futuristic, and today it’s here.”

Unlike tobacco, growing common crops like corn for bioenergy generates many problems, from hurting global food security to disturbing local wildlife. But by repurposing the 10.5 million acres of already-existing tobacco farmlands, Solaris cultivation perfectly overcomes these challenges, all while producing more oil!

This creative endeavor has inspired people to see tobacco as “a viable source of energy for the future,” in the words of Robert Mills. The Virginian farmer now dedicates a portion of his land to grow biofuel tobacco every year in partnership with Tyton BioEnergy Systems, an eco-friendly power company.

Besides biofuel, research has found that tobacco has countless other applications, including deterring troublesome pests, serving as paper, and even yielding promising drugs for AIDS and cancer. These innovations take the first steps in providing society with alternative, beneficial uses for the plant, proving its boundless potential outside of smoking.

Just like Tyton’s president Peter Majeranowski said, slowly, but surely, we are “re-imagin[ing] tobacco’s place in the world.” The shift in this crop’s uses — from addiction to aviation and beyond — teaches us that even the most harmful substances can be repurposed for the better. All it takes is a little creativity for change to take off.

Works Cited

Bakalar, Nicholas. “A New Death Toll for Smoking.” The New York Times, 31 Oct. 2016.

Chandran, Nyshka. “Why Getting Farmers to Switch from Tobacco Crops Is a Struggle.” CNBC, 10 Jan. 2017.

“Converting Tobacco to a Bioenergy Crop.” Plant & Microbial Biology, University of California, Berkeley, 15 May 2012.

“The Economics of Tobacco and Tobacco Control.” National Cancer Institute, June 2020.

“Fact Sheet: Malaria.” World Health Organization, 6 Dec. 2021.

“Fact Sheet: Tobacco.” World Health Organization, 26 July 2021.

“Global Health Topics: Tuberculosis.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 3 Apr. 2020.

Grisan, Simone, et al. “Alternative Use of Tobacco as a Sustainable Crop for Seed Oil, Biofuel, and Biomass.” Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 23 Sept. 2016.

Guillory, Ferrel. “Save Our Small Farmers: Keep Subsidizing Tobacco.” Editorial, The Washington Post, 26 June 1983.

“Harmful Use of Alcohol Kills More than 3 Million People Each Year, Most of Them Men.” World Health Organization, 21 Sept. 2018.

Helmer, Jodi. “Meet the US Farmers Turning Their Tobacco Into Airplane Fuel.” The Guardian, 6 July 2016.

Hoshaw, Lindsey. “Tobacco Gets a Makeover as New Source for Biofuel.” KQED, 3 June 2014.

Kilian, Anine. “First Local Seed Selection to Take Place at Project Solaris.” Engineering News, 14 Oct. 2016.

LaGrave, Katherine. “South African Airways Completes Flight Using Fuel From Tobacco.” Condé Nast Traveler, 21 July 2016.

Maragakis, Lisa Lockerd. “COVID-19 vs. the Flu.” Johns Hopkins Medicine, 23 Feb. 2022.

“Solaris Energy Tobacco.” CORDIS | European Commission.

“The Toll of Tobacco in the United States.” Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, 3 Nov. 2021.

Warmflash, David. “From Jet Fuel to Medicine, Tobacco Growers Turn a New Leaf.” Discover Magazine, 27 July 2016.

“Warning: Smoking Can Kill You.” Editorial, The New York Times, 28 Aug. 2012.

Willmott, Don. “Holy Smokes! Tobacco May Fuel Planes in the Future.” Smithsonian Magazine, 12 Nov. 2014.

Womack, Rocky. “Tyton BioEnergy Takes Step toward Marketing Tobacco-Based Products.” Tobacco Journal International, June 2015.

Zandt, Florian. “HIV/AIDS Deaths Continue To Decline.” Statista Infographics, 30 Nov. 2021.