学生公开信比赛优胜者—Grass Lawns: Lavish and Lamentable

这封信由 Jesuit High School in Portland, Ore  17 岁的露西·罗伯 (Lucy Robb) 撰写,是学习网络学生公开信竞赛的前 9 名获奖者之一,我们收到了 8,065 份参赛作品。

Dear American Lawn Owner,

Imagine this for a moment:

PUT-PUT-PUT! A lawn mower revs its engine and prepares to do its worst. The fuming machine plows over a vast expanse of pristine grass, spewing smog into the air. In front of a white picket fence, green growing turf stretches in great swathes across a front yard.

Perfectly manicured, this lawn has long been the hallmark of the American dream. This dream, however, bears carbon emissions, pesticides, and a lack of diversity. The difficulty of maintaining 40 million acres of lawn across the United States is evident. Annually, 800 million gallons of gas are guzzled solely for lawn mower fuel.

When it comes to front yards, grass is not your only option. Through the many regions of America, native plants grow independently and support their ecosystems. These plants can be incorporated into our own homes as well. Grass lawns should be gradually phased out and replaced with native plants and ground cover.

Some may lump together native plants and weeds, calling this heterogeneous array of botanical life unappealing to the eye. On the contrary, native plants are not all the same as pesky shrubs that spring up when you least expect them. These noninvasive plants and ground covers come in a variety of vibrant hues and sizes. As a yard owner, you can cultivate beauty through unique native plants of your choice.

Native plants have more benefits than simply being pretty to look at. They foster diversity and support ecosystems. The New York Times details how incorporating naturally occurring species of plants into front lawns can foster thriving ecosystems, among other benefits.

By planting native flora, we can pave the way for a more sustainable future. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, 17,532 gallons of water are used by the average household in America each year, just for landscaping irrigation. With native plants, this worry dissipates. Many indigenous plants are able to sustain themselves during dry spells with barely any water.

After this vegetation has been planted, there is little that a homeowner must do for maintenance within their own yard. Native plant lawns only need to be cut twice a year, as opposed to the 25-plus times a year that grass lawns are mowed on average in America. They also thrive in their indigenous habitats, slashing the needs for fertilizers and maintenance.

Beauty and diversity are two intrinsic characteristics of a healthy, happy, and aesthetically-pleasing yard. With the installation of these mini native ecosystems, a bit of botanical life can be incorporated into your daily regime, simultaneously saving you money and helping the Earth.

UnbeLEAFably yours,
Lucy Robb

Works Cited

Briggs, Parker. Native Species Make Your Lawn Truly Green. Inkwell, 6 March 2020.

Cox, Stan. HOAs Often Ban Eco-Friendly Practices as Unaesthetic. Eco-Architecture | Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints. Greenhaven Press, 2008.

D’Costa, Krystal. The American Obsession with Lawns. Scientific American, 3 May 2017.

Roach, Margaret. A Viable Alternative to Conventional Lawn? Cornell May Have Found One. New York Times, 13 Sept. 2023.

Trinklein, David. April Showers Bring May Lawn Mowers. University of Missouri Integrated Pest Management, 22 May 2023.

Water-Wise NW Native Plants. Swansons Nursery (website).

学生公开信比赛优胜者—Accepting Autism: A Sibling’s Perspective

这封信由 The Winsor School in Boston 的 16 岁的 Leela Uppaluri 撰写,是 The Learning Network 学生公开信竞赛的前 9 名获奖者之一,我们收到了 8,065 份参赛作品。

Dear Classmates,

You should know that I am not autistic. But growing up just 16 months younger than my autistic brother has given me a front-row seat to how this condition is viewed by many of you. In school, we are surrounded by values of education and inclusion, but these values don’t seem to translate to disability awareness.

Though only four years old, I remember like it was yesterday when my mom told me that my brother is autistic. How she whispered the word “autism” to me, as if she was shielding me from a four-letter word, hoping to protect me from classmates who might later mimic and bully my brother. In 6th grade I remember hearing many of you label autism a “disease.” A disease connotes something wrong with a person, something needing to be fixed. Unfortunately, these constructs outline how we have all grown up thinking about autism.

Fast forward to 9th grade — I have even heard some of you use the “r” slur or the words “moron” or “lame” jokingly. And I’ve also grown up in a world where when you don’t do so well on a math test one of you might joke “are you autistic?” Whenever I hear these insults, I come home angry. Angry because you use an important part of my brother’s identity, who he is, as a put-down. When I’ve told you that you are being ableist, you’ve called me “sensitive.” Though you speak naïvely, you devalue my brother and those like him when you use such language.

The truth is, one in 36 of us is diagnosed with autism. Moreover, people with disabilities are the largest minority group in the United States, and as new disability categories within neurodiversity emerge and grow, so does that percentage. Make no mistake — autism is in all of our classrooms, and we must move toward true acceptance now.

How do we achieve acceptance? Not being ableist is a start. Join a disability advisory group in your school to learn why using language like the “r” slur is not appropriate. Avoid language like “low functioning” that is demeaning and devaluing to some of your peers and learn how to treat and include your autistic peers as you would want to be treated and included. Last, applaud neurodivergence instead of making excuses for it. In other words, the next time you see my brother sway to “Hey Jude” in the aisle of a grocery store or wear headphones to block out sensory overload at California Pizza Kitchen, don’t stare! Just smile. By doing so, you are showing how you accept him and other autistic people for who they are.

Leela Uppaluri

Works Cited

Data & Statistics on Autism Spectrum Disorder.”Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 4 April 2023.

Garland-Thomson, Rosemarie. Becoming Disabled. The New York Times, 19 Aug. 2016.

学生公开信比赛优胜者—A Letter to Midjourney

这封信是Seoul Foreign School in Seoul的16岁的贾斯汀·金(Justin Kim)写的,是学习网络学生公开信竞赛的前9名获奖者之一,我们收到了8,065份参赛作品。

Dear Midjourney,

I’m writing this letter to report a crime — one which you’ve committed against me and my fellow artists. Your programs do not create, but merely plunder human creation in order to amalgamate your horrid handiwork.

This is robbery, plain and simple. All artists “take” inspiration, but you seem to have a habit of “taking” entire works and making monsters of them. As artist and illustrator Jackie Ferrentino put it, “A.I. programs scrape human artists’ work to Frankenstein them into a new creation.”

In doing so, your every action disregards artistic convention and robs thousands of their livelihoods. Thus, your current “artistic” practice “devalue[s] the human labor” so inherent to mankind’s God-given gift for creation, as journalists Julia Rothman and Shaina Feinberg aptly described in their 2022 New York Times article.

Of course, this is not to say that your work possesses no potential value. Jason M. Allen of Pueblo West, Colo., claimed that “Art is dead,” and that “humans lost.” His Midjourney-sourced work is certainly impressive: your “Théâtre D’opéra Spatial” won Mr. Allen an award at the Colorado State Fair in 2022. Arguments have been made in favor of your creative use.

We all know that art is more than just paint on a canvas. In the early days of photography, then too did artists predict creative expression would perish. Perhaps you are also merely a new medium for artistic creation. But if so, you must be bound by the same code as us. Therefore, we artists declare: if you are here to stay, you will be leashed.

Regulatory action remains in flux, but good people in good governments are already making progress. The European Union has successfully passed the world’s first major act to regulate A.I. Across the sea, the United States Congress is already debating the feasibility of an “A.I. Bill of Rights.”

The E.U.’s resolution demands a clear definition for A.I., dividing your functions into categories of risk. It does not, at least yet, stipulate that you cite your sources like the rest of us. I acknowledge that may be impossible, given the sheer number of works you steal from to assemble your handiwork, but that does not mean you will be allowed to purloin unabated. Even now, laws are being written that will require you to yield your stolen source material.

Certainly, your work improves by the day. You have grown uncannily good at imitating man. Some would argue you could even replace man. But that just means you must be subject to the same laws as the rest of us. So like any other, you have the right to remain silent. Like any other, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

I wish you well in your trial,

Works Cited

Blueprint for an A.I. Bill of Rights: Making Automated Systems Work For the American People. Whitehouse.gov

E.U. A.I Act: First Regulation on Artificial Intelligence. European Parliament (Website). Updated 18 June 2024.

Kang, Cecilia and Satariano, Adam. Five Ways A.I. Could Be Regulated. The New York Times, 6 Dec. 2023.

Roose, Kevin. An A.I.-Generated Picture Won an Art Prize. Artists Aren’t Happy. The New York Times, 2 Sept. 2022.

Rothman, Julia and Feinberg, Shaina. Human Artists Take on Their New Robot Competition. The New York Times, 23 Dec. 2022.

学生公开信比赛优胜者—Reclaiming Singapore’s Credit for Success: Removing Colonialist Statues

这封信的作者是Choate Rosemary Hall in Wallingford, Conn.的 15 岁的艾玛·王 (Emma Wang),她是学习网络学生公开信竞赛的前 9 名获奖者之一,我们收到了 8,065 份参赛作品。

Dear Singapore Government,

My memories of Singapore make me who I am, a proud citizen of a beautiful country. However, there is one part of Singapore’s past that no citizen is proud of: colonialism. So, I am asking you to take down the statue of Sir Stamford Raffles.

With the second highest G.D.P. per capita in the world, Singapore’s robust economy is often used to justify its colonial past. The misguided notion that British imperialists brought “Western know-how” to build our prosperous society is problematic, as it glorifies colonization and a false notion of Western superiority.

In 1963, when Singapore gained its independence, “nearly 70 percent of the population lived in slums,” according to SG101, a government website that tells the story of Singapore’s journey as a nation. Britain left us with almost no local industry, while unemployment rates hovered in the double digits. The stark contrast of this despair with Singapore’s current success is not a result of British imperialism — it is an astonishing rebound from it.

Located south of the Straits of Malacca, Singapore’s natural deep-sea ports place it at the crossroads between two important shipping channels. Now, with more than 5,000 maritime companies and over 130 international shipping groups, Singapore’s ports are among the busiest in the world. These ports were able to sustain Singapore’s economy in a fundamental way after independence, and before colonization; Britain simply saw this potential and exploited it to its advantage.

Singapore also created a decolonization plan with impressive urgency and effectiveness. As SG101 describes, “While some newly independent nations with large domestic markets were adopting protectionist policies — ejecting foreign companies, slashing imports, and manufacturing their own products for the domestic market — Singapore had to go against the grain and open our borders to foreign investors.” This unique, and brave, policy allowed Singapore to become economically self-reliant. Clearly, Singapore’s economic success is not simply a continuation of British ideologies, but rather the country’s strategy for decolonization and economic independence.

Colonial influence will always be our past, but do we need to celebrate it in the present? The statue of Sir Stamford Raffles encourages problematic justifications of colonialism, obscuring Singapore’s success. The original statue stands in front of Empress Place, with a plaque that reads “This tablet to the memory of Sir Stamford Raffles, to whose foresight and genius Singapore owes its existence and prosperity ….” Owes? The statue misleadingly attributes Singapore’s hard-won prosperity to him, “the founder,” and British imperialism.

As The New York Times reported, many statues in the U.S. are being removed, including those of former slave owners, racists, and violent conquistadors. Singapore should follow this example. We, as a country, need to give ourselves credit for our astonishingly successful decolonization efforts, instead of undermining those triumphs, diminishing our resilience with a towering figure of our conquistador.

With respect,

Works Cited

Crabtree, James. Five Chart History of Post-Colonial Asia. Financial Times. Last modified 29 Aug. 2014.

Gaumont British Instructional. Singapore, A Study of A Port. Directed by Brian Salt. 1954.

Mindur, Maciej. Significance of the Port of Singapore Against the Country’s Economic Growth. Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport 106 (2020): 107-121.

The New York Times. How Statues Are Falling Around the World. 24 June 2020.

1959-1965: Early Economic Strategies. SG101.

Rodrigue, Jean-Paul. Maritime Shipping Routes and Strategic Locations. Map. Port Economics Management.

Statue of Stamford Raffles. National Library Board.

Teck-Wong Soon, and William A. Stoever. Foreign Investment and Economic Development in Singapore: A Policy-Oriented Approach. The Journal of Developing Areas 30, no. 3 (1996): 317–40.

Vasagar, Jeevan. Can Colonialism Have Benefits? Look at Singapore. The Guardian. Last modified 4 Jan. 2018.

White, Nicholas J. The Settlement of Decolonization and Post-Colonial Economic Development: Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore Compared. Bijdragen Tot de Taal-, Land- En Volkenkunde 173, no. ⅔ (2017): 208–41.

学生公开信比赛优胜者—Dear New York State Senators, Could You Please Repeat That?

这封信由 Byram Hills High School in Armonk, N.Y.  17 岁的凯西·戈德斯坦 (Casey Goldstein) 撰写,是学习网络学生公开信竞赛的前 9 名获奖者之一,我们收到了 8,065 份参赛作品。

Dear New York State Senators,

Let me make myself clear that I did not want hearing aids. “Social suicide,” as my sister described it. Arriving at school with new glasses hails compliments from friends or teachers, but when you come to school with new hearing aids, the best compliment is none. You hope no one notices them and even grow out your hair for full coverage.

When I found out that I needed hearing aids during my junior year of high school, I simply refused. But, in the following weeks, I began to notice how many times I said “What?” in conversations, how many frustrated friends stared back at me for interrupting the story yet again. I became aware of the missed lunchtime drama that unfolded in muted discourse around me as I retreated inside my head with only pieces of conversations I understood. I was excluded, a non-participatory, lonely friend adapting to a fragmented life. I became aware that hearing aids were no longer an option I could refuse.

That’s when I learned that to most insurance companies, hearing aids are an option they can refuse, and they do. The same device with the power to reorganize brain pathways that have been altered due to hearing loss is deemed as not medically necessary, considered equal to cosmetic surgeries. No state mandates in New York require non-Medicaid insurance support for hearing aids. Why, then, are there over 25 other states that mandate specific coverage for hearing aids, whether for a certain age or amount of coverage, while New York has nothing?

There was a glimmer of hope on Oct. 17, 2022, when the F.D.A. introduced cheaper over-the-counter hearing aids, yet they were not made for children and are even potentially harmful to them. That means, currently, anyone under the age of 18 living in New York has no other option; their family needs to muster up thousands of dollars for hearing aids, or they try to get through their 18 years without the device essential for learning and development.

There is currently a bill in the New York State Senate Committee that “requires all insurance policies to provide coverage for medically necessary hearing aids for children less than 18 years of age.” I implore you, as a child who has experienced firsthand the transformative power of hearing aids, that you support this bill and its respective fight unequivocally. In a world full of high social anxiety, there is no reason why any child should feel further socially isolated or inferior in intelligence simply because they are denied the fundamental right to hear. I was there, and hearing aids changed my life. Now, I ask that you let them change the lives of all the others.

Casey Goldstein

Works Cited

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. State Insurance Mandates for Hearing Aids. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 5 March 2024.

Boylan, Jennifer Finney. Opinion | Glasses Are Cool. Why Aren’t Hearing Aids? The New York Times, 31 Oct. 2017.

Dragan, Lauren. Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids Could Finally Give People an Affordable, Convenient Hearing Solution. The New York Times, 22 Aug. 2022.

Gatta, Frances. Are Hearing Aids Covered By Insurance In 2024? Forbes, 12 Sept. 2023.

Medical Devices; Ear, Nose, and Throat Devices; Establishing Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids. Federal Register, 17 Aug. 2022.

NY State Senate Bill 2023-S4929. The New York State Senate, 17 Feb. 2023.

学生公开信比赛优胜者—The Devil From Down Under

这封信由 澳大利亚 Geelong Geelong Grammar School 13 岁的 Alexis Rippon 撰写,是学生公开信竞赛的前 9 名获奖者之一,我们收到了 8,065 份参赛作品。

G’day Warner Brothers,

You may be a global leader in the entertainment industry, but I’d like to highlight how you’ve been unjust toward a super cute, yet awkwardly destructive, native Australian creature.

In 1954, you created the cartoon character Taz. He is such a well-known and devious creature and became an iconic member of the Looney Tunes family. So popular was Taz that you trademarked him decades ago. Essentially, since then, you have prohibited anyone from using the name or images that resemble Taz. But did you know that Taz is based on a real animal, a renowned carnivorous marsupial from Down Under? Taz is a Tasmanian devil.

Tasmania is a small island state off the south coast of Australia, so small that Manhattan’s population is over three times the size. And on this island lives the Tasmanian devil. The devil is iconically Australian and is not only emblematic to the island state, but to all Aussies. When I say the devil lives in Tasmania, I should emphasize that the species is fast becoming critically endangered. The devil population is receding rapidly because of an incurable facial tumor disease. It’s a race to save the species.

Because of your trademark, the devil’s name now cannot be used without agreement from you. This issue was ignited recently because there is a new team entering our Australian Football League competition. The team will be from Tasmania and will be the state’s first-ever team to play in our national competition. So, the obvious choice was to call them the Tasmanian Devils. But that idea was obstructed because of your intellectual property entitlements. Your obnoxiousness led to a stoush between you and the A.F.L. because your corporate greed denied us of what is rightfully ours.

Your $20-billion-dollar empire has profiteered for decades off our beloved native species that has been in existence for over 20,000 years. The least you could do is make a meaningful financial contribution to fund conservation and research to help save the devil population. I think it is now time for you to “save face” and demonstrate your corporate social responsibility before it is too late, and the devil is gone.

From Alexis Rippon, a 13-year-old animal lover

Works Cited

Frost, Natasha. Australia vs. Warner Bros.?. The New York Times. 5 May 2023.

University of Tasmania. Save the Tasmanian Devil Appeal. 10 Jan. 2024.

学生公开信比赛优胜者—Every High School Student Can Save a Life

这封信由 Woodbridge, Conn Amity Regional 高中的 16 岁的亚历山大·克利 (Alexander Klee) 撰写,是学生公开信竞赛的前 9 名获奖者之一,我们收到了 8,065 份参赛作品。

Dear Governor Lamont,

From cutting taxes for working families, to investing in clean energy, to leading our Covid-19 response, you have made lasting and positive change in Connecticut. This is not, however, a time to rest. You must take another look at the opioid overdose epidemic in our state.

While the judicial system has dealt with the Sacklers, the impact of opioids is still sending waves of loss through our communities. In 2022, 1,348 of your constituents died of an opioid overdose, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s State Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System. With more potent opioids like fentanyl in our illegal drug supply, these accidental deaths could continue to happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time.

In your defense, Connecticut has done a lot to combat this public health epidemic, like developing the Naloxone + Opioid Response App and increasing access to fentanyl test strips. However, I firmly believe that your administration’s response efforts missed the mark by ignoring high school students.

In our current health curriculum, there is extensive education on illicit substances, their classifications and their impact on our bodies. The Connecticut General Statutes require the Department of Education to include these subjects in our curriculum, but they do not go as far as to mandate instruction on one of the greatest tools available to combat the opioid crisis: Naloxone.

Naloxone is a safe, effective and lifesaving medicine that can reverse an opioid overdose when given in time, per The New York Times. There is room in our health curriculum to teach students how to recognize and reverse an opioid overdose. If teachers are given appropriate materials and support, every high school student in Connecticut could learn these crucial skills.

I strongly urge you to submit a governor’s bill to the Connecticut General Assembly to mandate education in our public high schools on opioid overdose recognition and reversal.

This curriculum mandate is the puzzle piece missing from our health education, and is not without precedent — Maine enacted similar legislation in 2023. Of course, we should know that addictive substances are harmful, but knowing what an opioid overdose looks like, and how to reverse it, is what students need to be a part of the solution.

While students and parents often worry that teaching about Naloxone will encourage drug use, the data actually shows otherwise. A study published in 2023 found that Naloxone access laws are not associated with an increase in substance use among adolescents.

High school should give us the tools necessary for life outside of public education. After graduation, high-risk behavior drastically increases, and it is imperative we have the knowledge to prevent fatalities. Governor Lamont, you can ensure we receive this crucial instruction, which will empower us to fight the opioid overdose epidemic and save lives.

Alex Klee

Works Cited

Bruzelius, Emilie, et al. Naloxone Expansion Is Not Associated With Increases in Adolescent Heroin Use and Injection Drug Use: Evidence From 44 U.S. States. International Journal of Drug Policy. April 2023.

Hoffman, Jan. 10 Questions About Narcan. The New York Times, 29 March 2023.

Opioids and Drug Overdose Prevention. Connecticut State Department of Public Health.

SUDORS Dashboard: Fatal Drug Overdose Data. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 26 Feb. 2024.

夏季阅读比赛第 3 周获胜者:‘First Someone Dies, Then Everyone Expects Us to Eat’


Miki Schnitzer, 16, from Plainsboro, N.J., responded to an Opinion essay headlined “What Joan Nathan Taught Me About the Power of Showing Up.” She wrote:

A trio of uniquely spiced nuts, an ocean of smoked fish floating on bagels, platters of corned beef decorated with pickled tomatoes — first someone dies, then everyone expects us to eat.

Looking back on when my grandfather died this November, what sticks out among the throngs of people that shuffled in and out of my house was the food they left. As they say, actions speak louder than words, and as Sarah Wildman writes, “in mourning and in crisis food is often an action, an act.” Food is familiar. Food is nourishing and a vital part of human life. Food is also the perfect way to deliver comfort when words fail to do so.

Being a Jew living in a predominantly Indian and Asian community, I wasn’t sure what to expect of my neighbors as my family began sitting shiva. How would they reconcile their culture with our tradition? They did it the best way they could: by showing up, and showing up with food. In the days following the funeral, my fridge became chock-full of dosas, samosas, chutneys, and Indian sweets. They asked thoughtful questions about shiva, respectfully listened, and connected it to their own mourning traditions.

It is easy to point out differences between communities. It takes patience, respect, and curiosity to understand what bridges those gaps. Amidst a year of heightened division and hate, I find solace in the fact that sharing food and one’s time are actions that never get lost in translation.


In alphabetical order by the writer’s first name.

Andy Qi on “Are Planes Safe Right Now? Here’s What the Experts Say.”

Caroline on “Mary Cassatt’s Women Didn’t Sit Pretty”

Diane Tang on “Old and Young, Talking Again”

Jennifer Ma on “260 McNuggets? McDonald’s Ends A.I. Drive-Through Tests Amid Errors“

Semi Jung on “Lets Chill Out About Apostrophes”

Shenyao (Sean) Xu on “Where Did Our Strange Use of ‘Like’ Come From?”

Vanessa on “The Joys and Perils of Return Travel”

Honorable Mentions





这些是我们在今年春天新的公开信比赛中向青少年提出的问题,邀请学生就对他们来说重要的问题向个人或团体写一封面向公众的信。我们收到了 8,000 多份回复。





Top 9 Winners

Alexander Klee, 16, Amity Regional High School, Woodbridge, Conn.: “Every High School Student Can Save a Life”

Alexis Rippon, 13, Geelong Grammar School, Geelong, Australia: “The Devil From Down Under”

Anya Wang, 16, Ridge High School, Basking Ridge, N.J.: “A Letter From a ‘Loser’”

Casey Goldstein, 17, Byram Hills High School, Armonk, N.Y.: “Dear New York State Senators, Could You Please Repeat That?”

Emma Wang, 15, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, Conn.: “Reclaiming Singapore’s Credit for Success: Removing Colonialist Statues”

Justin Kim, 16, Seoul Foreign School, Seoul: “A Letter to Midjourney”

Leela Uppaluri, 16, The Winsor School, Boston: “Accepting Autism: A Sibling’s Perspective”

Lucy Robb, 17, Jesuit High School, Portland, Ore.: “Grass Lawns: Lavish and Lamentable”

Oliver Bohon, 17, Bloomington High School South, Bloomington, Ind.: “Insulin: Drugs vs. Dividends”


Aila Woods, 17, Brooklyn Technical High School, Brooklyn, N.Y.: “To the Mothers of the 9-Year-Olds in Sephora”

Aliyah Majeed-Hall, 16, The Potomac School, McLean, Va.: “Why Gen Z Needs Ted Lasso”

Callisto Lim, 17, Kinder High School for the Performing and Visual Arts, Houston: “Reinstate DEI in Texas Universities: An Open Letter”

Celine Tay, 17, Shanghai: “Dear Moms and Dads, We Should Talk About Sex”

Jessie Hui Hu, 17, Colégio Bandeirantes, São Paulo, Brazil: “Dear Taylor Swift, Let’s Shake Off Those Carbon Emissions!”

Lauren, 14, Seoul International School, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea: “An Open Letter to Mr. James Quincey Addressing Worker Exploitation in India”

Matan Davies, 17, Scarsdale High School, Scarsdale, N.Y.: “An Open Letter to Governor Hochul From a High Schooler Entering Society”

Natalie Krause, 16, South Lyon High School, South Lyon, Mich.: “My (Menstrual) Education”

Niah L. Maduakolam, 15, Munster High School, Munster, Ind.: “An Open Letter to Schools Districts that Discriminate Against Afro-Centric Hairstyles”

Om Nair, 17, North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, Durham, N.C.: “An Open Letter to the Commissioner of the F.D.A., Written By a Maternal Orphan”

Rongfei Mu, 16, Beijing World Youth Academy, Beijing: “An Open Letter to Prime Minister Kishida”

Sofia Fontenot, 18, Kinder High School for the Performing and Visual Arts, Houston: “An Open Letter to Labi Siffre”

Sophie Jin, 14, Shanghai American School, Shanghai: “N.Y.C. Needs to Pee — An Open Letter to the New York City Council”

Honorable Mentions

Abigail King, 16, Pleasantville High School, Pleasantville, N.Y.: “An Open Letter to Mental Health Professionals From a Member of the Lockdown Generation”

Amy Lau, 15, Roosevelt High School, San Antonio, Texas: “Letter to Washington: End the Use of Hateful Rhetoric”

Anniyah Rizvi, 17, Langley High School, McLean, Va.: “An Open Letter to the English Language”

Ava Resnick, 13, Ethical Culture Fieldston School, Bronx, N.Y.: “An Open Letter to Screenagers: Start Living Outside the Phone-Shaped Box”

Caroline Serenyi, 18, Holton-Arms School, Bethesda, Md.: “A Necessary Breakup”

Chiana Le, 17, Tarbut V’Torah Community Day School, Irvine, Calif.: “Dental Healthcare Isn’t a Privilege, It Is a Natural Right”

Chidera Okeke, 15, The Berkshire School, Sheffield, Mass.: “Written in the Margins”

Claire Weng, 14, Clements High School, Sugar Land, Texas: “Leaving Library Fines Behind”

Clementine Lu, 15, World Foreign Language School: “Let Kids Be Kids in High School Interviews”

Cyrus Sarfaty, 17, Upper Canada College, Toronto: “Regrets From a Font-Fretting Fussbudget”

Daniel Kang, 16, Tanglin Trust School, Singapore: “Open Letter to Men: Breaking the Silence on Mental Health”

Ella Dickinson, 15, East Chapel Hill High School, Chapel Hill, N.C.: “Dear United States Preventative Task Force”

Eva Manevski, 17, South Lyon High School, South Lyon, Mich.: “Oh Crickets: Turning Over a New Leaf for Food”

Felize Riona G. Ilagan, 16, Philippine Science High School - Main Campus, Quezon City, Philippines: “An Open Letter to the Tycoons of the Global North”

Georgia Bond, 17, Lower Merion High School, Ardmore, Pa.: “Reforming Our College Admissions Culture”

Harshitha Sudhakar, 17, South Lyon High School, South Lyon, Mich: “What Is the Value in Movie Classics?”

Irene Yebin Joh, 14, Seoul International School, Gyeonggi-do: “Beyond ‘Gifted’: Embracing Diversity in Washington’s Classrooms”

Isha Harbaugh, 17, Bloomington High School South, Bloomington, Ind.: “My Life, My Choice: An Open Letter”

Jessica Zhang, 15, Sage Hill School, Newport Beach, Calif.: “Fast Fashion Brands: Your Young Customers Are Heading for the Exit”

Jina Song, 15, Seoul Foreign School, Seoul: “Mayor Oh, Stop Suffocating Us With Seoul’s Waste”

Kathryne Hong, 16, Durham Academy: “Farewell From Nowhere”

Leah Platts-Mills, 14, Smith Middle School, Chapel Hill, N.C.: “An Open Letter Advocating for Accessible Swimming Lessons”

Lila Boutin, 16, School One, Providence, R.I.: “Dear U.S.D.A.: Underresourced Communities Can Only Join Your ‘People’s Garden Initiative’ Once They Have Access to Resources for Growing”

Lila Cassinari, 15, Farmington High School, Farmington, Conn.: “Fueling the Future: A Student’s Right to Eat”

Lola Babinski, 15, Lyons Township High School, Western Springs, Ill.: “Normalize Noise-Cancelling”

Lucas Rounds, 15, Open World Learning, Saint Paul, Minn.: “An Open Letter to Millionaires Who Hold Our Healthcare Hostage, and the American Healthcare System”

Qiming Yang, 18, Emma Willard School, Troy, N.Y.: “An Open Letter to High School Educators: The Case for Home Economics”

Nathan Yam, 14, International Christian School, Hong Kong: “Nuclear Power Is Safer and Greener Than You Think: A Letter to Greenpeace”

Ngoc Linh Nguyen, 17, Vinschool Smart City, Hanoi, Vietnam: “Tote Overload: A Letter to Cotton Tote Bag Users”

Nickohli Beiersdorf, 17, James E. Dottke Project-Based Learning High School, West Allis, Wis.: “A Letter to the Metal Community (From a Metalhead)”

Paula Garcia Moreno Caraza, 17, Instituto Mexicano Regina, Mexico City,: “An Open Letter to Mexico’s Undecided Voters”

Santiago Vira, 17, Brooklyn Technical High School, Brooklyn, N.Y.: “To the 3-D Printing Industry, Let’s Fix This”

Sophia Tsien, 17, Bergen County Technical High School, Teterboro, N.J.: “Dear Congress: Let the China Initiative Rot”

Vale Kerns, 18, Arlington Career Center, Arlington, Va.: “Health of a Nation”

Vanessa Moffett, 15, James Lopez, 16, Emma and Grace, Bernards High School, Bernardsville, N.J.: “Peaking at 16: Unregulated Competitive Sports Are Breaking Children’s Bodies and Minds”

Xinyi (Cindy) Zeng, 15, Milton Academy, Milton, Mass.: “(An Unapologetically Pink) Letter to the National Speech and Debate Association on Gender Bias in Debate”


夏季阅读比赛第 2 周获胜者:‘Mom, I’m Sorry’


Kathryne Hong, 16, from Durham, N.C., responded to a piece from the Well section headlined “A Brief History of Sexism in Medicine.” She wrote:

I used to hate apologies.

They often seemed hollow, excuses for avoiding accountability.

But, Mom, I owe you one.

I’ve always trusted medical professionals, so when you fell down the stairs a few months ago and sought help, I believed the doctors who repeatedly overlooked your distress. When simple tasks became monumental challenges, and when you apologized for the little things you couldn’t do anymore — like buckling your seatbelt — I grew frustrated. I couldn’t grasp why you felt compelled to say sorry for the pain that physicians claimed didn’t exist.

After reading the article, it finally crossed my mind that you face a systemic issue that has plagued women for generations. That your apologies are typical in a medical system where women apologize for things deemed atypical — “for sweating, for asking follow-up questions, for failing to detect their own cancers sooner.” That we, women of color, are viewed as “less worthy of care and compassion.” That even female genitalia in Latin is “pudenda”: “things to be ashamed of.”

And I am so ashamed to admit that I never attended a single one of your appointments nor offered a hug when you needed it most. But I promise you, starting today, I’ll become your second pair of eyes at your appointments, buckle all the seatbelts you need, and ensure you get the “trusting and respectful relationship with your health care provider” that “is every patient’s right.”

Mom, I’m sorry.


In alphabetical order by the writer’s first name.

