夏季阅读比赛第 7 周获胜者:‘The More You Know About Something the Less Scary It Is’


Michelle Zhibing Zhou, 15, from Hong Kong, read the Science article, “Videos Show That Leeches Can Jump in Pursuit of Blood.” Here is her response:

Leeches! Bleh! Famed for their role in medieval medicine, they’re often dismissed as repulsive, blood-thirsty parasites. So, imagine my surprise and morbid curiosity when I stumbled upon an article that added insight into their world and abated some of my irrational fears.

Surprisingly, leeches reminded me of something very different: myself. When I have a craving, like for chocolate, I scurry to the store. Similarly, when motivated by their craving for blood, leeches are “provoked [into] acts of startling athleticism,” springing through the air, then splatting on the ground comically. Adding even more intrigue, the video included ground-breaking footage ending the age-old debate about whether leech-leaping was even possible. The finding sent ripples throughout the leech research community and shivers down my spine.

As with many things in life, the more you know about something the less scary it is. The article helped dissipate some of my fear and disgust, presenting leeches as being motivated by food (like me!), and with amusing behaviors. The article changed my perception of leeches from nightmare fuel to riveting little creatures.

Don’t get me wrong though, while leeches are endlessly captivating, being that, to them, I’m a tasty walking bag of blood, I don’t want them snacking on me in a tropical forest. I’ll stick to watching them from afar, behind a screen, and preferably while nibbling on a bar of chocolate.


In alphabetical order by the writer’s first name.

Nazira Musabaeva on “After 12 Years of Reviewing Restaurants, I’m Leaving the Table”

Noa Riss on “‘Crown Jewels of the Jewish People’: Preserving Memories of the Holocaust”

Shi Yi Yang on “A Family Dinner with My Wife and Girlfriend”

Sissi Ma on “When It Comes to Food and Politics, Kamala Harris Is Riffing on the Recipe”

Honorable Mentions

Alex Ding on “The Youngest Pandemic Children Are Now in School, and Struggling”

Angirmaa Shinebaatar on “Cows Are the New Puppies”

Blanche Li on “The Most Important Writing Exercise I’ve Ever Assigned”

Erin Yoon on “The Jewelry Shiona Turini Never Takes Off”

Joshua Zhuang on “I Was Settling Into My Morning Commute on the 4 Train”

Lindsey Huang on “What Your Grocery Cart Says About You”

Sarah Guo on “Defeated by A.I., a Legend in the Board Game Go Warns: Get Ready for What’s Next”

扫码查看夏季阅读比赛第 7 周更多获奖论文+导师亮点评析

夏季阅读比赛第 6 周获胜者:‘Is Friendship Becoming Obsolete?’


Alex Cox, 16, from Bethesda, Md., responded to an article headlined “For Older People Who Are Lonely, Is the Solution a Robot Friend?” She wrote:

Is friendship becoming obsolete?

That’s what I wondered as I read this article, a sick feeling swelling in my gut. Many older people depend on ElliQ’s synthetic friendship. But I share Professor Porteny’s concern that these people can’t “enjoy the beautiful reciprocity that emerges from social interactions.” ElliQ provides something that almost mimics genuine human companionship, but is “almost” enough? If so, what’s the cost of trading real friendship for the artificial variety, especially for people nearing the end of their lives?

I spent last week with my grandfather, who’s almost 96. We had countless conversations over meals whose recipes my grandmother left us about everything from his former job as a NASA engineer to the German dialect he brought across the ocean fleeing World War II. That week, we did more than talk: we connected; we learned from each other; we united generations; we bridged worlds. The most fundamentally human action, after all, is to share.

What if instead of me, he’d spent the week with a robot? Something that could compute but not learn, hear but not listen, respond but not reciprocate? What if he’d died with nobody to share his rich, beautiful story?

Elderly people deserve companions. But they also deserve to have their recipes remembered, their dialects learned, and their stories told after their deaths. They deserve a human. As much as ElliQ can do, it will never be able to be one.


In alphabetical order by the writer’s first name.

Anthony Babu on “Wildlife Protections Take a Back Seat to SpaceX’s Ambitions”

Cailyn Liu on “Welcome to Stucktopia”

Celina Chen on “What Your Grocery Cart Says About You”

Haiyang Zeng on “I’m a Psychiatrist. Here’s How I Talk to Transgender Youth and Their Families About Gender Identity.”

Joedie Sta. Cruz on “I’m a Psychiatrist. Here’s How I Talk to Transgender Youth and Their Families About Gender Identity.”

Honorable Mentions

Alex Xu on “Elon Musk’s Plan to Put a Million Earthlings on Mars in 20 Years”

Charlotte on “For Biden, a Race Against Time”

Chloe Jiang on “A Feline Scientist Explains Why Your Cat Might Actually Like You”

Ella Gentile on “Shelley Duvall, Star of ‘The Shining’ and ‘Nashville,’ Dies at 75”

Gabbi on “What We Know About the Assassination Attempt Against Trump”


夏季阅读比赛第 5 周获胜者:‘A Voice Can Change You’


来自加拿大安大略省的14岁女孩安妮·马马(Annie Ma)回应了歌手德萨(Dessa)在《纽约时报》杂志上的文章 “Who Am I Without My Voice?”


Qiaorui Zhang on “What Does Anxiety Look Like? How Pixar Created the ‘Inside Out 2’ Villain”

Emma Reznik on “Defeated by A.I., a Legend in the Board Game Go Warns: Get Ready for What’s Next”

Henry Hudson on “Covid Cases Are Rising Again. Here’s What to Know.”

Jianxi Wu on “Is Xenophobia on Chinese Social Media Teaching Real-World Hate?”

Madison Perreault on “Pattern of Brain Damage is Pervasive in Navy SEALs Who Died by Suicide”

Phineas Collins on “Justices Give Trump Substantial Immunity”

Sophie Lee on “My Son Was in a Pyschiatric Hospital. Why Was I Celebrating?”

Vivian W. Chang on “Along the Hollywood Walk of Fame, a Struggle to Make a Living"

Honorable Mentions

Ethan Wu on “Our Pandemic Puppy Brought Pure Joy. Losing Him, Pure Heartbreak."

Anne on “I Saw My Anxiety Reflected in ‘Inside Out 2.’ It Floored Me.”

Christina Htay on “The Angst and the Joy of Celebrating Pride Month in a Small Town”

Lara on “Are We in the Middle of a Spiritual Awakening?"

Lena Singh on “Stampede at Religious Gathering in India Kills More Than 100”

Samira Kennerly on “When Your Identical Twin Wins a Grammy”

Zihao Ye on “Can I Use A.I. to Grade My Students’ Papers?”



每年夏天,在为期 10 周的时间里,世界各地的青少年都会受邀回答以下问题:“本周《纽约时报》的什么内容最让您感兴趣?” 以下是最受官方喜欢的答案:

夏季阅读比赛第 9 周获胜者:‘On Stonehenge and Mispronouncing ‘Kamala’’

夏季阅读比赛第 9 周获胜者:‘A Battleground in an Intergenerational Conflict’

夏季阅读比赛第 8 周获胜者:‘The More You Know About Something the Less Scary It Is’

夏季阅读比赛第 7 周获胜者:‘The More You Know About Something the Less Scary It Is’

夏季阅读比赛第 6 周获胜者:‘Is Friendship Becoming Obsolete?’

夏季阅读比赛第 5 周获胜者:‘A Voice Can Change You’

夏季阅读比赛第 4 周获胜者:‘As a Muslim, Those Words Pierce My Soul’

夏季阅读比赛第 3 周获胜者:‘First Someone Dies, Then Everyone Expects Us to Eat’

夏季阅读比赛第 2 周获胜者:‘Mom, I’m Sorry’

夏季阅读比赛第 1 周获胜者:‘Costco, Don’t Give Up on America as a Nation of Readers’


作为一个门槛低、含金量高的写作比赛,每周都为参与者提供了锻炼写作技能和挑战自我的绝佳机会。获奖者们往往成为藤校、JHU、UCB等Top30名校的香饽饽,因此参加比赛对未来的留学申请将是一大助力!你的暑假计划准备好了吗?New York Times夏季读写比赛正在等你的参与!









What got your attention in The Times this week?


学生可以自行选择纽约时报上2024年发布的任意主题下的任意一个articles, Op-Eds, videos, graphics, photos and podcasts发表自己的看法,在下周五的上午9点前(美东时间),围绕问题提交自己的回答。




提交不得超过1500字符,即 250~300单词。



作品提交截止时间为每周五上午 9 点(美东时间),逾期不予接受。











   - 将个人经历与文章内容相结合,展现个人独特的思考和感悟。

   - 通过讲述与文章相关的小故事,体现个人情感与文章主题的共鸣。


   - 明确阐述读文章前后自己的态度或想法的变化。

   - 突出文章中的信息或观点如何影响了作者的思考方式和行为方法。


   - 选择具有时效性和社会影响力的主题,增加文章的吸引力。

   - 结合个人经历,为官方报道提供不同的视角或补充。


   - 从独特的、少有人涉足的视角切入,展现文章的个性和创新性。

   - 避免陈词滥调,力求以新颖的角度和观点吸引评委的注意。



纽约时报夏季读写比赛由全球十大新闻媒体之一的《纽约时报》(New York Times)主办,面向全球中学生,每年夏季举办,持续10周,吸引了全球超过8万名中学生的参与。趁着这个夏天,与纽约时报展开一场奇妙机遇!
























   - 参赛无需支付任何费用,降低了参赛的经济门槛。

   - 字数限制相对较少(不超过1500字符或250个单词),以及新增的视频提交方式,为学生提供了更广阔的创意发挥空间,同时也减轻了写作负担。

   - 不需要作者进行大量的论证或前期科研,只需表达清晰的想法和学习内容,使得参赛过程更为简便。


   - 纽约时报作为知名媒体,其写作竞赛具有较高的知名度和信誉度,但门槛相对较低,使得更多学生有机会参与。

   - 夏季读写活动在题材和字数上均设定了较为宽松的限制,不占用过多的学习和活动时间,灵活的时间安排使得学生能够从容应对。


   - 采用每周一轮的赛制,每周开放投稿并颁发奖项,这种持续性的比赛设置增加了学生参与的机会和频次。

   - 在整个赛季中,学生可以多次投稿,每次都有机会获得奖项,这种赛制设计提高了学生的参与热情和获奖可能性。

   - 每周评选出的获奖者包括winner、runner-up和honorable mentions,获奖率相对较高,给学生带来了更多的荣誉感和成就感。


   - 参与该竞赛不仅能够锻炼学生的写作和表达能力,还有机会在纽约时报这样的国际舞台上展示自己的才华和创意。

   - 获奖作品更有可能获得广泛的传播和认可,对学生的个人发展和社会影响力有积极的推动作用。


   - 通过阅读纽约时报的文章并撰写读后感或制作视频,学生能够接触到更广阔的知识领域和更多元的观点,从而拓宽视野,提升综合素养。

   - 参赛过程中的不断修改和完善作品,也有助于培养学生的批判性思维、创新能力和解决问题的能力。


学生公开信比赛优胜者—A Letter From a ‘Loser’

这封信由 Ridge High School in Basking Ridge, N.J. 16 岁的 Anya Wang 撰写,是学习网络学生公开信竞赛的前 9 名获奖者之一,我们收到了 8,065 份参赛作品。

Dear The New York Times Learning Network,

I’m not sure if you imagined that someone would write a letter to you when you announced that we could write an open letter “to anyone you like.” Well, whether or not you did, here I am.

Don’t get me wrong. I admire your contests and resources deeply. But after three years of pouring hours into your contests yet receiving nothing but a copy-pasted rejection email in response, I want to bring a facet of your contests into scrutiny. A facet that you may have never thought twice about.

That is, your policy that you do not provide feedback on submitted essays.

I get it. You received 12,592 submissions for your last editorial contest. But after all, you’ve named yourself the Learning Network. Feedback is how students grow. It’s how we learn. Without it, every time I’ve received a “You lost!” email from you, I’ve felt sorely disappointed and lost, not knowing where to look or what to change to improve my writing.

And I know that I’m not alone. In fact, your contests leave the vast majority of your participants stranded in the dark. In last year’s editorial contest, the chance of getting recognized — not even winning — was a measly 1.199 percent. Winning was bestowed upon just 0.087 percent of your participants — a rate almost 40 times lower than Harvard’s class of 2027 acceptance rate.

You want to be prestigious. You want to be selective. But what you’re creating for the thousands of hopeful teens who enter your contests — nearly 100,000 in just your editorial contests alone — is not a network for learning and growth. Instead, you’re creating a cutthroat competition where feedback and encouragement are given at a rate even below what the Ivy League has deemed ethical. It’s discouraging and unresponsive — a culture far from conducive to learning.

Additionally, you’ve commonly mentioned a Round 4 in your recognized finalists, but never explained how Rounds 3, 2 and 1 work. I desperately want you to tell us more. What if you discreetly told each participant which round their essay reached, and then shared some general thresholds that prevented essays from proceeding to the next round?

I hope that won’t be too logistically difficult — you probably already need to sort essays into different rounds to determine contest winners. I also hope that you won’t balk at the supposed decrease in prestige such a change might bring. You’re a global leader in journalism. You know how things are for teens right now. You know, with the world changing at breakneck speed, with everything from A.I. to full-blown wars flung at us, how sharply teen voices demand to be heard.

Don’t leave us in the dark. Shine a ray of light into our writing, and prepare all teen voices to take the stage.

A “Loser”

Works Cited

Harvard College Admissions and Financial Aid. Admissions Statistics | Harvard. Harvard College, 2024.

Schulten, Katherine. How to Write an Open Letter: A Guide to Our Opinion Contest. The New York Times, 19 March 2024.

The New York Times Learning Network. Open Letters: Our New Opinion-Writing Contest. The New York Times, 12 March 2024.

The New York Times Learning Network. The Israel-Hamas War: A Forum for Young People to React. The New York Times, 16 Oct. 2023.

The New York Times Learning Network. The Winners of Our 10th Annual Student Editorial Contest. The New York Times, 29 June 2023.

The New York Times Learning Network. What Students Are Saying About Learning to Write in the Age of A.I. The New York Times, 25 Jan. 2024.

学生公开信比赛优胜者—Insulin: Drugs vs. Dividends

这封信由印第安纳州布卢明顿市 Bloomington 高中 17 岁的奥利弗·博洪 (Oliver Bohon) 撰写,是学习网络学生公开信竞赛的前 9 名获奖者之一,我们收到了 8,065 份参赛作品。

Eli Lilly,

As a Type 1 diabetic living in Indiana (where you’re headquartered), I’ve known your name for a long time. Every meal I have your insulin delivered into my bloodstream, something I’ll need my entire life. But I’ve come to associate your name with frustration, not gratitude.

You, alongside Novo Nordisk and Sanofi, control 90-plus percent of the insulin market worldwide. You posture about capping costs, providing aid, serving the people first. These claims make you look great — you’re doing all you can to aid your patients.

Except you aren’t.

Frederick Banting, Charles Best, John Macleod and James Collip helped to discover and purify insulin in 1921. In 1923, Banting, Best and Collip sold their patents on the drug for $1 each.

The reason? As Banting said, “Insulin belongs to the world.”

Yet so many people today still find themselves on short supply of that miracle drug — rationing it, fighting with insurance over it, buying it from third parties.

What happened? We’re no longer in the days of purifying pig pancreas extract. We have synthetic biology! We can mass produce insulin — more than we’d ever need — and it’s cheap, easy, and efficient. It’s the simplest business imaginable. Think about it — I, alongside countless others, can’t survive without insulin. I’m reliant on you. So you got to work approaching my life like an economics class — there’s always demand, so why not increase prices?

But (eventually) political pressure started, and for once you seemed threatened. So, about a year ago, you announced that you’d limit the cost of a vial of non-branded insulin to $25. In the announcement, you boasted about how this is the lowest price since 1999.

The lowest price since 1999 still has a profit margin of 417 percent (at $6 per vial). Obviously, you’re a company — you exist to profit. But to claim you’re doing any charity with this is a farce. You gouged prices for decades, cut them down once any pressure was applied, and then acted a hero for it. Even the price cut wasn’t selfless! It helped you avoid millions of dollars of rebates under the American Rescue Act. You did the bare minimum and nothing more.

There’s an issue when a life-or-death drug can be played like a stock — where companies are incentivized to gouge the prices of their drugs for the patient while paying their C.E.O. $26.5 million per year.

I don’t have any power. I can’t boycott insulin, nor undo the pain you’ve caused. What I hope to share with this letter is that I’m tired. I’m tired of the Eli Lilly name being associated with greed over patient care. I’m tired and frustrated, and I think people have the right to understand why, and to determine whether such a company deserves support.

Oliver Bohon, a diabetic

Works Cited

100 Years of Insulin. Diabetes UK.

Feldman, William B, and Benjamin N Rome. The Rise and Fall of the Insulin Pricing Bubble. Vol. 6. JAMA Network Open. 14 June 2023.

Knox, Ryan. Insulin Insulated: Barriers to Competition and Affordability in the United States Insulin Market. Journal of Law and the Biosciences, Volume 7, Issue 1, January-June 2020.

Lilly Cuts Insulin Prices by 70% and Caps Patient Insulin Out-of-Pocket Costs at $35 per Month. Eli Lilly and Company New Release. 1 March 2023.

Robbins, Rebecca. Eli Lilly Says It Will Cut the Price of Insulin. The New York Times, 1 March 2023.

夏季阅读比赛第 4 周获胜者:‘As a Muslim, Those Words Pierce My Soul’


Jawaher Korichi, 17, from Columbus, Ohio, responded to an article headlined “Official Death Toll From Hajj Pilgrimage Climbs Into the Hundreds.” She wrote:

As a Muslim, those words pierce my soul, but as a Saharan, I’m not surprised. People don’t appreciate how deadly the desert is. I humbled myself, however, after reading that those hundreds struck down by the heat during Hajj season did not lack knowledge, but funds.

My paternal family never has to worry about affording any religious journey, let alone dying during it. They are comfortable and can stroll between the sacred mountains of Safa and Marwa. They could book a hotel instead of staying in a flimsy tent or lodging area, although the former lacks the modest charm associated with pilgrimage in the first place. Afterward, they can pick up gifts while exiting Saudi. I once received a glimmering blue dress.

My maternal family is different. My mother’s aunt on her first-ever Umrah; a smaller, more accessible religious journey. Facetiming us late one night, she smiled wearily showing us where she slept, an overcrowded room with yellowed walls. My mother warned of the heat; like most pilgrims pictured here, she is more than elderly. It is unlikely she will bring back anything besides her sanctification.

I’m going to Umrah this December. I’m grateful to do so. I’m also grateful for these authors revealing why so many die during Hajj. They bring to light how these people aren’t ignorant, but victims of price-gouging and predatory tourism companies taking advantage of pious people. People like my mother’s aunt.


In alphabetical order by the writer’s first name.

Adam Liao on “Some Words Feel Truer in Spanish”

Annalise Huang on “Today’s Teenagers Have Invented a Language That Captures the World Perfectly”

Grace Xie on “Whirlwind Romances Are Not Reserved for Thin Women”

Jiachen Cao on “With Each Basket Steph Curry Shoots, I Inch Closer to Death”

Kanishk Dasgupta on “Well Beyond the U.S., Heat and Climate Extremes Are Hitting Billions”

Mara Gualtieri-Horowitz on “Supreme Court Upholds Law Disarming Domestic Abusers”

Oz Susskind on “The Very Online Afterlife of Franz Kafka”

Sabrina Baru Valdez on “How Venice Might Remake Itself as a Contemporary Art Hub”

Yihan Yoon on “How to Talk to Someone With Alzheimer’s”

Ziming Cheng on “A School With 7 Students: Inside the ‘Microschools’ Movement”

Honorable Mentions

Anya Wang on “This Is Peak College Admissions Insanity”

Brianna Liu on “Workers Shouldn’t Have to Risk Their Lives in Heat Waves”

Claire Dong on “A Sock War Is Afoot Between Millennials and Gen Z”

Emma Fennell on “No, I Don’t Want to Protest”

Jason Lu on “Enough With the Fireworks Already”

Julia Weissman on “Surgeon General Declares Gun Violence a Public Health Crisis”

Sophie on “A.I. Is Getting Better Fast. Can You Tell What’s Real Now?”

Yehui Feng on “Our Pandemic Puppy Brought Pure Joy. Losing Him, Pure Heartbreak.”

Yihan Tang on “Surgeon General Calls for Warning Labels on Social Media Platforms"

Yujin Lee on “Today’s Teenagers Have Invented a Language That Captures the World Perfectly”

