

今年,我们收到了创纪录的 9,275 篇论文——或者换句话说,近 400 万字——来自世界各地学生,以回应我们的第五届年度社论大赛,因此选择九名获奖者、26 名亚军和 38 名荣誉奖并非易事。




从 5 月 24 日开始,我们将在每个上学日发布前九名作文之一的帖子,我们希望您在社交媒体上传播,挂在学校公告板上,甚至可能用作明年比赛的“导师文本”。之后,我们将在一个帖子中一起发布所有亚军。您可以在本专栏中找到它们。

而且,正如我们去年所做的那样,我们正在发布这份名单,列出了进入第三轮评审的 133 名决赛入围者 (PDF),其中包括 59 篇没有完全进入获胜者圈子的社论。




A Generation Zer’s Take on the Social Media Age” by Elena Quartararo, age 17
Accountability-Based Testing Is Broken” by Alan Peng, age 17
Civil Obedience” by Anushka Agarwal, age 16
Dinner Table Politics” by Bridget Smith, age 15
Is It Actually Smart to Sit Still?” by Hannah Amell, age 15
Is True Crime as Entertainment Morally Defensible?” by Rachel Chestnut, age 17
Politics and the Olympics” by Joanne Yang, age 15
The 4th R: Real Life” by Jason Schnall, age 16
The Case for Lowering the Voting Age” by Kathryn Zaia, age 14



“A 4.0 GPA and I Still Know Nothing” by Rachel Levine, age 17
“A Peaceful Passing” by Elina Niyazov, age 19
“A Prodigy for Your Progeny” by Kaiser Ke, age 16
“Abolish the Office of First Lady to Put Ladies First” by Catherine Lin, age 17
“America’s ‘Boys in Blue’ Can be Green Too” by Akshay Raj, age 15
“‘Corrective Statements’ Don’t Fix Anything” by McKenna Tanner, age 15
“Do Asians Play a Role on the Great White Way?” by Sungchin Eraso, age 16
“Driving: It’s Going Out of Style” by Emma Chiu, age 15
“Fairness in Education” by Xiaolin Ding, age 17
“I CAN’T HEAR YOU: Echo Chambers in America” by Kevin Tang, age 16
“Is Trump’s Wall a Solution or Just Another Tourist Attraction?” by Lechen Dong, age 18
“It Is Time to Abolish the Electoral College” by Joseph Saber, age 16
“It’s Time to Legalize the World’s Oldest Profession” by Ashlyn DesCarpentrie, age 17
“Let Children of Color Be Characters, Too” by Sandra Chen, age 16
“Making Room for All Chinese in China’s Capital” by Yuxin Long, age 17
“Sex Ed and Abortion in America: Hypocrisy at Its Finest” by Sylvia Hollander, age 17
“The Future of the #MeToo Movement Through the Eyes of a 17-Year-Old Boy” by Charles Gstalder, age 17
“The Net Neutrality Repeal: An Attack on Free Expression and Communication” by Ainsley Tia Lim, age 15
“The Price of Preserving Patriarchy in India” by Uma Bhat, age 15
“The Trouble With Teen Movies” by Olivia Newman, age 18
“Trivializing Mental Illness Makes Me Depressed” by Lola Byers-Ogle, age 15
“Turning the Page to a New Era” by Casey Webb, age 16
“Under Black Cloaks” by Bincheng Mao, age 16
“Vice for Vice” by Eugene Hong, age 15
“Want to End the Shortage of Priests? Ordain Women” by Elizabeth Meisenzahl, age 16
“Why We Must Act on #MeToo” by Bhargavi Garimella, age 17



“A New Gender of Birth Control” by Corinne Lee, age 17
“A Non-Partisan Evaluation of Abortion Restrictions” by Nesim Nahmiyas, age 16
“A Plea to America” by Carter Sargent, age 17
“A Small Gesture to Address Women’s Rights in China” by Athena Song, age 16
“Affordable National Parks for All” by Ayden Nichol, age 17
“An Invisible Dilemma” by Jennifer Zheng, age 16
“Are Cryptocurrencies Currencies?” by Graham Everhart, age 16
“Beyond Selfies: Technology as an Instrument for Change” by Haley Choi, age 17
“Chivalry Is on Life Support: Here’s Why We Should Pull the Plug” by Mia DeAngelo, age 16
“Do Black Lives Matter in the #NeverAgain Movement” by Penelope Martindale, age 16
“Does the Women’s March Matter?” by Serena Lin, age 17
“Don’t Hold Those With Down Syndrome Down” by Hannah Yelle, age 16
“Google’s Absence of Search Neutrality Needs to Change” by Taylor Goodspeed, age 13
“He Who Must Not Be Named” by Zhu Mingyu, age 17
“How DeAndre Ayton Changed the Game (And Why He Shouldn’t)” by Luke Park, age 16
“Keeping Safe: Ensuring the Parkland Shooting Never Happens Again” by Elliott Notrica, age 14
“Medical Marijuana Must Be Legalized in the United States” by Jack Ledbetter, age 16
“More Wealth Doesn’t Have to Mean More Meat” by Mingxi.Yin, age 17
“NCAA Basketball Is Making Millions, but Players Live in Poverty” by Matthew Varughese, age 15
“Orca Entertainment Is Intolerable” by Lindsay Michaud, age 17
“Redefining Manhood” by Koorosh Nabatian, age 17
“Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Roast” by OliviaJ, age 17
“Teenagers: The Modern Cassandra” by Olivia Otremba, age 15
“The Belt, The Road and Us” by Miles Stella, age 17
“The Broken Nature of College Admissions” by India Menon, age 18
“The Case for the Modern Philistine” by Maria Mendoza Blanco, age 15
“The Cyber Threat” by Akshay Manglik, age 14
“The Fight Against Segregation” by Pei Chao Zhuo, age 17
“The Hashtag Misnomer of the Anti-Gun Violence Movement” by Swathi Kella, age 17
“The Line Between Story and Ad Is Dangerously Murky” by Kristina Vakhman, age 19
“The Neutral Net: A Human Right” by Ryan Kovarovics, age 17
“The Perpetual Plastic Problem” by Alisha Zhu, age 16
“The Problematic Filter of Objective Educational Standards” by Troy Chartier-Vignapiano, age 17
“Vacating in Vain” by Kevin Wang, age 16
“When Women Work the World” by Diya Jain, age 13
“Why Aren’t More Girls Pursuing Careers in Computing and Tech Fields?” by Stuti Arora, age 16
“Why Immunize?” by Reed Shepherd, age 15
“Working Girls: Empowered or Endangered?” by Marlee Moe, age 15


以及所有决赛入围者,包括另外 59 篇进入第 3 轮的精彩社论 (PDF)

评委: Amanda Christy Brown, Shannon Doyne, Caroline Crosson Gilpin, Michael Gonchar, Nadia Murray Goodman, Annissa Hambouz, Thomas Houston, Shira Katz, Willow Lawson, Megan Leder, Joshua Mackin, Sue Mermelstein, Heather Murray, Anna Pendleton, Natalie Proulx, Katherine Schulten, Melissa Slater, Stephanie Yemm and Suzanne Zimbler

A correction was made on

May 31, 2018


An earlier version of this article named 10 top winners. We have since discovered that one of the winners submitted more than one essay to the contest. Because that violates our contest rules, we have disqualified it and removed it from the list.