
近年来,很多同学和家长越来越关注纽约时报 (NYT) 系列写作竞赛,因为这些比赛在文科生的竞争力提升以及理科生的“通才”形象打造方面都能发挥很大作用。那么,在这些比赛中,哪一个更容易冲奖呢?哪一个适合低年级的同学尝试呢?

纽约时报-夏季读写竞赛是一个低年级友好的比赛,它致力于让学生意识到阅读报纸是一件很有趣的事情。参赛者需要完成每周指定的阅读材料,并在此基础上撰写一篇针对该材料的600-800字短文。比赛时间为 7 周,挑战不算太大,但却非常适合低年级的同学们尝试。































每周将评选出1名winner、数名runner-up和若干名honorable mentions,每位获奖者将获得奖金和纽约时报的特刊报道。


What interested you most in The Times this week?

















夏季阅读比赛第 5 周获胜者:‘One Small Step for Democracy in a “Live Free or Die” Town’

Daniel Wei, 15, from Marvin Ridge High School in Waxhaw, N.C., chose an article from the U.S. News section headlined “One Small Step for Democracy in a ‘Live Free or Die’ Town” and wrote:

What happened in Croydon, N.H., is happening all over America — people are realizing how little their voices matter. My civic literacy teacher has always urged us to get involved, to encourage our parents to vote, to actively support issues on social media and, eventually, to vote ourselves.

Many of my classmates, however, do not care about politics — but the parallels to Croydon reveal the perils of this approach. Croydonites passively allowed an outspoken political minority to make all decisions for them, leading to a halving of their school’s budget and the slashing of extracurricular activities. Today, we are seeing similar trends unfold on a national scale.

Take the recent Supreme Court decision to curb the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority to check emissions for power plants, which goes against the wishes of 80 percent of Pew-surveyed Americans. Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised that one of the most conservative courts in American history would make a decision pandering only to its billionaire stakeholders rather than considering ordinary citizens.

So, how can we galvanize ourselves to rectify this mistake? Protesting could work, but it may not be enough. Instead, we must emulate the people of Croydon — who, through targeted community activism and patient participation in local government, were able to reverse their school’s budget cuts.

This E.P.A. ruling must be next on our list.

夏季阅读比赛第 6 周获胜者:‘Russian Missiles Strike Two Universities in Ukraine’

Diana Cherednychenko, fromUkraine, chose an article from the World section headlined “Russia hammers Mykolaiv again, hitting two universities in the southern city” and wrote:

I sleep restlessly, turning from one side to another. Suddenly I wake up because of the loud noise outside. It’s a rocket flying over my house.

I live in a small occupied city in the Kherson region and hear this noise almost every day. Sometimes I can even see from my window how and from where these rockets are launched. They head to different cities, but a lot of them fell in Mykolaiv.

They said that they won’t hit civilian objects, but that’s not true. The war has already lasted for almost five months, and I always see news about the destruction of my country.

Mykolaiv suffers a lot because Russian soldiers have assaulted this city from the very beginning. Recently they hit two universities, a hotel, and a mall, and it’s so painful to read such news. Why our country? People don’t deserve it.

Let’s take Vinnytsia. I really thought that there is safer than in many other regions, but a missile strike proved that it is no longer safe anywhere in my country.

And it hurts to know that Russia doesn’t even bother where these rockets fall. They know that they kill many people, and they don’t care. How can they live with the knowledge that they killed people with their own hands? Why do they hit universities, malls, hotels, and other civilian infrastructure? When will this war be over?

夏季阅读比赛第 4 周获胜者:On ‘The Real Reason the Minions Have Taken Over the World’


Claire Guo, 14, from Lynbrook High School in San Jose, Calif., chose an article from the Movies section headlined “The Real Reason the Minions Have Taken Over the World” and wrote:

Minions: round, yellow, incomprehensible, yet adorable. The Minions have taken the world by storm, breaking records at the box office and even igniting a global trend on TikTok. #Gentleminions have been flocking to theaters in formal attire, dapped up in suits and ties; part of the reason I was also inclined to march to my local AMC in a white suit, while fellow middle schoolers and high schoolers filled the seats. Sitting there, as MINIONS flashed across the big screen and the audience began to whoop and cheer, I felt part of something bigger. I felt trendy.

So when the article that claims to know the “real reason” behind the Minions’ popularity only mentioned TikTok in passing, I was appalled. Critic Calum Marsh aptly argues that the Minions’ purely physical, almost silent-era, comedy has many appeals, yet I believe that TikTok had a larger role in the Minions’ success. Like the “Jeffrey Bezos” song and the newly popular “Jiggle Jiggle” rap, TikTok has made “Minions” into a must see.

No doubt, the in-depth analysis that Mr. Marsh made about the influences of silent comedy, the refreshing slapstick jokes and the pure substance of every gag were part of the reason the Minions have taken over the world. But the millions of Instagram stories of teenagers in suits, and the millions of TikTok videos under the hashtag #gentleminions should not be overlooked either. After all, TikTok is powerful. Peer pressure, even more so.

夏季阅读比赛第 1 周获胜者:‘To Enjoy Life More, Embrace Anticipation’


Alessia Cazzetta, from Senago, Italy, chose an article from the Well section headlined “To Enjoy Life More, Embrace Anticipation” and wrote:

To enjoy life more, embrace anticipation

“Looking forward to something can be almost as good as experiencing it” this is the first sentence of the article “To enjoy life more, embrace anticipation” and it is the one that has remained most etched in my mind, after reading it I thought: is it true?.

I went back in time, precisely during my second year of middle school, my Italian teacher was reading a poem by one of the greatest Italian writers: Giacomo Leopardi.

The title was “Il sabato del villaggio” (Saturday night in the village) and talked about how extremely tempting the idea of ​​Sunday was, but not so much Sunday itself.

[In the poem,] we are at the beginning of 1800 in a small village, it is a quiet Saturday evening, everyone is happily waiting for the next day, the day of rest: the children cackle, the maidens sing, and the workers return from work laughing. It is the happiest day of the week and that is because the next day the passing of the hours will bring more and more sadness, and everyone will start thinking about Monday’s work.

I remember thinking during that reading that there was nothing more true: waiting for a joyful event brings us more joy than the event itself.

So I ask myself, is it worth it? We live life waiting for happy moments in a sort of dreaming trance, but then, when those events finally arrive, we forget to actually live them. Is this what we have to aspire to? Shouldn’t we just stop fantasizing about the future and start embracing the present?

夏季阅读比赛第 2 周获胜者:‘Why Strangers Are Good for Us’

Sophene Avedissian, from Los Angeles, chose an article from the Opinion section headlined “Why Strangers Are Good for Us” and wrote:

I distinctly remember looking at my mom in awe as she casually chatted with the grocery store cashier. When most would answer with a few dismissive words, she seamlessly instigated an entire conversation from the cashier’s simple question of “How’s your day?” As we made our way out of the store, I turned back and noticed the corners of the cashier’s lips rise into a grin. I wondered, How can my mom so effortlessly impact someone’s day from one small, yet meaningful interaction?

As my mother seeks out these moments to connect, I avoid them. In elementary school, I hid behind my mom at gatherings as she spoke to others. In middle school, I often replied “no” to invitations to avoid the awkwardness of meeting new people. Now, in high school, I hope that by wearing my pair of rose-gold headphones, others feel discouraged to talk to me.

In “Why Strangers Are Good for Us,” David Sax identifies that engaging with strangers “connect[s] us to the community, teach[es] us empathy, build[s] civility and [is] full of surprise and potentially wonder.” Sax explains when we disregard strangers, we weaken what is at the “core of our social contract.” The technological evolution combined with the pandemic has forced “our world [to grow even more] inward and suspicions.”

I take a deep breath, slip off my headphones, and start talking to the person next to me as we both wait for our takeout order.

It’s a start.

夏季阅读比赛第 10 周获胜者:‘How to Fall Out of Love With Your Lawn’

Sydny Horge, from Washington, D.C., chose an Opinion video called “How to Fall Out of Love With Your Lawn” and wrote:

If you ask my dad, he’ll tell you there are many things I dislike. But there are few things I hate more than edging useless grass. Once a week, every week for three quarters of the year I spend 30 minutes to an hour hunched over at an excruciating angle to make our lawn a geometric shape. Halfway into a normal job, my eyes sting with sweat while mosquitoes mercilessly attack any exposed flesh. The recent heat waves made the temperature feel like triple digits, but I still had to be out there, edging my life away.

Watching this video showed me that not only are we wasting time and money, but also our most precious resource: water. I think about California and the West’s aridification problem and other global water crises and struggle with how indirectly-affected people can see that and then continue to regularly drench their turf.

I do have some idea, though, of the status symbol aspect of a flat, green expanse. My dad grew up deep in the projects of New York City, where trees were a rare sight, let alone lawns. For decades both government-funded programs and private companies discriminated against Black people and severely limited our available suburban housing and home equity. My family’s modest, well-maintained (however difficultly) yard reminds him of how far he’s come as a homeowner, and of the better childhood he’s given me.

This might finally show him that success doesn’t have to cost the environment.















