今年有 10 位获奖者、13 位亚军和 32 位荣誉奖。
16岁的凯尔·萨宾(Kyle Sabin)评论了泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)的“声誉”。他写道:“'声誉'对斯威夫特女士来说是一种风险;被动攻击性和脆弱性不是她以前音乐的元素,但她成功地分析了超级巨星和声誉对个人的影响,这是她的意图。信用。。。罗宾·贝克/法新社 — 盖蒂图片社
巧妙的语言使用、富有洞察力的观点、引人入胜的评论——这些品质使我们在第四届年度学生评论大赛中通过四轮评审和创纪录的 1,964 份提交作品而获奖。我们在另一篇文章中发布了 10 条获奖评论,但以下是您可以期待阅读的一些优秀学生写作的味道:
在评论同名专辑“Lil Pump”时,16岁的David Chmielewski写道:
That said, while the nutrition label on a jar of mayonnaise may be more clever than this album, it’s still an enjoyable listen. And therein lies the true genius of Lil Pump and other rappers of his ilk; their lyricism may not be amazing, but their tracks are downright fun.
在马里兰州罗克维尔的一家餐馆China Canteen的评论中,17岁的Emily Tian写道:
We first try a traditional dish, 夫妻肺片, which translates literally to husband-wife-lung-slices. It’s not really lung, the menu coaches us, but the marriage of thinly sliced beef tendon and chili oil, constellated with peanuts, is nevertheless a breathless one.
在对富士通“快乐黑客键盘”的评论中,18岁的Simon Levien解释说:
Fujitsu went with Topre key switches, lightly tactile rubber domes making each key a cushion. Typing is like pleasing pitter-patter, a sound fondly dubbed the Topre “thick-thock.” I’d say it feels like punching a pillow, soft but quick — perfect to add some oomph to your typing speed and stamina.
学生们可以选择《纽约时报》评论的任何类型的创意作品,他们写了从电视节目和音乐会巡回演出到诗集和时装秀的所有内容。恭喜我们的 10 位获奖者、13 位亚军和 32 位荣誉奖,下面按姓氏字母顺序排列。
An Exercise in Genius Stupidity
The Good Place’: Astute, Heartwarming and Relevant All at Once
‘Counting Descent’: A Post-Mortem on Black America
The Functional Art at Your Fingertips
Dazed and Confused: Millennial Fetishization of Flower Power Forgets the Meaning of Freedom
Can You Stomach the Stories?
All The Light We Cannot See’: A Story of Friendship
Reputation’ by Taylor Swift: The Uncovered Side of a Superstar
Poetry Regarding Poetry
China Canteen: A Humble Shrine to the Sichuan Kitchen
David Chmielewski, age 16: “An Exercise in Genius Stupidity”
Helen Deng, age 14: “‘The Good Place’: Astute, Heartwarming and Relevant All at Once”
Crystal Foretia, age 17: “Counting Descent: A Post-Mortem on Black America”
Simon Levien, age 18: “The Functional Art at Your Fingertips”
Isabella Levine, age 17: “Dazed and Confused: Millennial Fetishization of Flower Power Forgets the Meaning of Freedom”
Clara Martin, age 16: “Can You Stomach the Stories?”
Luke Park, age 14: “‘All the Light We Cannot See’: A Story of Friendship”
Kyle Sabin, age 16: “‘Reputation’ by Taylor Swift: The Uncovered Side of a Superstar”
Sydney Sullivan, age 17: “Poetry Regarding Poetry”
Emily Tian, age 17: “China Canteen: A Humble Shrine to the Sichuan Kitchen”
Madison Delellis, age 16: “Rock ’n’ Roll Masterpiece: Exile on Main St.”
Cookie Dutch, age 17: “Little Serrow: Meal as Exploration”
Matthew Kellenberg, age 19: “Jackson C. Frank’s Lone Album: A Tragic Masterpiece”
Jillian Maginot, age 16: “Power of a Picture”
Isabelle Mercado, age 18: “Venom: The Rom-Com Nobody Expected”
Caitlin Roberts, age 17: “Confidence Over Clothes: A Runway Show Going Beyond Fashion”
Nova Saiph, age 16: “You Can Save a Monster”
Tesia Shi, age 17: “The Dark Side of Innocence: A Two-Sided Childhood”
Molly Sullivan, age 16: “You Decide! The Endless Possibilities of ‘Detroit Become Human’”
Kevin Tang, age 17: “Diverse Lives on the Big Screen in ‘Fresh Off the Boat’”
Allan Wang, age 16: “Dostoevsky’s Demons”
Angela Xie, age 16: “The Bluest Eye: A Poetic Yet Haunting Representation of Race in American Society”
Seonghyun Yoon, age 15: “Eunpyeong Hanok Village — A Double-Pillared Heritage”
Meghana Bhupati, age 14: “‘Reputation’: A Journey of Discovery”
Nora Bolander, age 16: “‘Hillbilly Elegy’: A Timely Memoir on How to Rise Above Societal Expectations”
Ryan Brace, age 16: “Don’t Think That: BlocBoy JB Goes Back to the Streets”
Carly Centanni, age 17: “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: A Truly Magical Experience”
Emily Chen, age 16: “To Learn and to Laugh”
Eva Dodson, age 14: “Carrie and Lowell Carries the Weight of Repressed Emotions”
Leah Eckley, age 14: “The Reinvention All ‘Call of Duty’ Fans Have Been Waiting For”
Zachary Emmert, age 17: “Revenge of the Sunfish: A Game(?) of Wonder”
Tara Feenaghty, age 16: “Beauty: The Unspoken Danger”
Jordan Ferdman, age 15: “‘Dear Evan Hansen’ Lacks Heart”
Julia Katherine Fiori, age 16: “‘Rollicking Roy and Sediment Pam’ — Laughing Through a Comic’s Take on Bipolar”
Fiona Frohnapfel, age 16: “Powerful in Pink”
Anna Beth Hish, age 14: “What Living Truly Means: ‘Everything, Everything’ by Nicola Yoon”
Sophia Lee, age 14: “‘Sierra Burgess Is a Loser’ — The Wrong Message for Teenagers”
Sarah Looney, age 16: “Mountain Creek: A Very Low Plateau”
Mary Ma, age 15: “Bright Dead Things: A Book With a Heartbeat”
Grace Maclean, age 14: “Riverdale: Exquisite Garbage”
Thomas McEvoy, age 17: “Khalid’s ‘Suncity’ — The Subject of Unfair Scrutiny”
Athena Nassar, age 17: “The Rainforest Cafe: A Safari Adventure, Stomach Ache, or Both?”
Claire O’Callahan, age 17: “My Dear Hamilton”
Ephram Oliver, age 14: “A Review of Eighth Grade by an Ex-Eighth Grader”
Bar Pierce, age 18: “Have a Hubchub”
Shane Rockett, age 18: “Alto’s Adventure: Fresh Tracks in a Classic Genre”
Jack Schrock, age 18: “Slenderman: The Most Insulting Movie to Ever Be Released”
Zeeman Shuai, age 16: “Ra-meh: Kizuki’s Noodles Are a Feast for the Eyes and a Letdown for the Tongue”
Anya Shukla, age 15: “Teen Romance Gone Wrong: The Problem With ‘Sixteen Candles’”
Tyra Smith, age 18: “Radiate: A Beaming Sweater”
Andrea Sund, age 17: “Greengrass Adds to His Collection: Revisiting the Utøya Nightmare”
Jack Vander Vort, age 18: “New Orleans in a Nutshell”
Peyton Wade, age 16: “Troll 2: The Best Worst Movie”
Maggie Watson, age 14: “Sexism in Space: ‘The Calculating Stars’”
Anna Louise Wildes, age 16: “Outrageously Wise”
评委: Amanda Christy Brown, Shannon Doyne, Jeremy Engle, Caroline Crosson Gilpin, Michael Gonchar, Annissa Hambouz, Natalie Proulx and Katherine Schulten.