The Dunning-Kruger Effect: Why Incompetence Begets Confidence

我们通过发表论文来表彰学生 STEM 写作比赛的前八名获奖者。这是何炳强的。

这篇文章由来自德克萨斯州丹顿市德克萨斯数学与科学学院的 17 岁的 Allison He 撰写,是学习网络首届 STEM 写作比赛的前八名获奖者之一,我们收到了 1,618 份参赛作品。

The Dunning-Kruger Effect: Why Incompetence Begets Confidence

Meet Dave. After a year of creating campaigns for a marketing company, Dave is convinced that his advertising skills are the best in his department. In his mind, his incredibly original content warrants a nice bonus. But when his manager hands him an annual review, his face falls. “This isn’t right,” Dave says, incredulous. He points at the section that marks him at the bottom 25 percent of employee performance and asks if it’s a mistake.

Dave’s case illustrates a psychological phenomenon called the Dunning-Kruger effect.

The Dunning-Kruger effect, coined by the psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger in 1999, is a cognitive bias in which poor performers greatly overestimate their abilities. Dunning and Kruger’s research shows that underperforming individuals “reach erroneous conclusions and make unfortunate choices, but their incompetence robs them of the ability to realize it.” This incompetence, in turn, leads them to “hold inflated views of their performance and ability.”

To reach these findings, Dunning and Kruger conducted a study that tested participants’ abilities in humor, logical reasoning and grammar. Before showing the participants their scores, Dunning and Kruger had them judge their performance on a percentile scale. What they found across all three categories confirmed their prediction of self-inflated assessment among underperforming individuals: participants scoring around the 15th percentile evaluated their percentile placements to be approximately 50 percent higher. And although results also indicated a slight overestimation by the average-scorers and a slight underestimation by the top-scorers, Dunning and Kruger focused on investigating the substantial overestimation by the bottom-scorers.

Were the underperforming individuals unable to recognize competence due to their own lack of it? To address this, Dunning and Kruger invited back the bottom-scoring and top-scoring participants and gave them the other participants’ tests to grade. Afterward, the participants were asked to re-evaluate their original testing score. The bottom-scorers, instead of recognizing their underperformance and lowering their rank accordingly, continued to elevate their scores. This suggested that the bottom-scorers needed competence to perceive competence.

If it takes competence to be aware, how are underperformers supposed to recognize their own lack of ability? The answer is in the question itself. Because it takes competence to be aware, underperformers must become competent. After training the bottom-scorers in logical reasoning, Dunning and Kruger discovered not only that their scores improved, but also that they no longer inflated their scores. These results indicate that knowledge and experience are crucial for gaining both ability and self-awareness.

In essence, we can’t reach a high level of competence without actively seeking feedback and knowledge. And for any activity — whether it’s marketing, parenting, football or underwater basket-weaving — it takes an open mind to gain the experiences that help us see our mistakes and grow from them.

The hallmark of intelligence, according to Dunning, is being “good at knowing what we don’t know.” If we want to avoid the impact of cognitive biases such as the Dunning-Kruger effect and if we want to better ourselves overall, it’s vital that we’re aware that there is always more to know.

Works Cited

Cherry, Kendra. “The Dunning-Kruger Effect.” Verywell Mind, 14 June 2019.

Kruger, Justin, and David Dunning. “Unskilled and Unaware of it: How Difficulties in Recognizing One’s Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Dec. 1999.

Morris, Errol. “The Anosognosic’s Dilemma: Something’s Wrong but You’ll Never Know What It Is (Part 1).” The New York Times, 21 June 2010.

Circadian Rhythms: The Conductor of Our Body’s Symphony

我们通过发表论文来表彰学生 STEM 写作比赛的前八名获奖者。这是Aliya Fisher的作品。


这篇文章由来自纽约布朗克斯布朗克斯布朗克斯科学高中的16岁的Aliya Fisher撰写,是学习网络有史以来第一届STEM写作比赛的前八名获奖者之一,我们收到了1,618份参赛作品。

Circadian Rhythms: The Conductor of Our Body’s Symphony

Our bodies are like musical compositions, different instruments completing the whole piece. The heart is the percussion, keeping pace for the rest of our bodies. The digestive system is the bass, providing the foundation everything else body systems need. The brain is the piano, giving us life and coordination. But who is the conductor? To whom do we owe the perfect synchronization of all instruments? The mastermind may come as a surprise, but the miracle-worker of our bodies’ symphony is the circadian clock — a series of molecular cues which integrate external stimuli to keep our bodies’ cycles on a 24-hour schedule.

Our mastermind’s lair is a compartment of the brain called the suprachiasmatic nucleus (S.C.N.), containing only 50,000 of the 86 billion neurons in our body. Our eyes detect light, signaling directly to the S.C.N., as if the conductor were being cued by the mood of the audience. During the day, high intensity light signals the S.C.N. to produce the proteins period (Per) and cryptochrome (Cry), which in turn activate myriad downstream pathways controlling metabolism, sleep and overall activity level. Meanwhile, Per and Cry accumulate in the cytoplasm, reaching critical levels at which they translocate to the nucleus and bind to receptors that shut down the production of Per and Cry. This slows metabolic activity and prepares the body for sleep.

This diurnal feedback loop is the crux of homeostasis, or biological equilibrium, but all musicians know what can happen when the conductor of the orchestra misses a beat. For instance, when we experience jet lag after flying between different time zones, our circadian rhythms are disrupted because our S.C.N.s receive light signals that are out of register with our previous protein accumulation cycles.

Additionally, circadian rhythm disruptions have been linked to obesity. Scientists compared light pollution data across the United States, and brightly-lit urban areas have significantly higher obesity rates. Further studies revealed that a hormone called leptin, responsible for appetite suppression, is regulated by the circadian clock. During the day when activity and energy requirements are increased, leptin expression decreases and thus we eat. When our circadian clocks are disrupted, leptin expression is lower, resulting in abnormally increased appetite and obesity.

A dive into the rhythmic inner-workings of our bodies can help explain why you have a bad night’s sleep after watching Netflix late at night, or why staying inside all day makes you less hungry. Dysregulated circadian rhythms may cause neurological disorders including Alzheimer’s disease, so further study of this symphony may offer potential treatments. Now, as the orchestra quiets and the conductor bows, scientists applaud the small compartment of our brain that keeps our bodies in sync.

Works Cited

Fonken, Laura K., and Randy J. Nelson. “The Effects of Light at Night on Circadian Clocks and Metabolism.” Endocrine Reviews, 1 Aug. 2014.

Froy, Owen. “Circadian Rhythms and Obesity in Mammals.” ISRN Obesity, 18 Nov. 2012.

“Jet Lag — Overview.” American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

Ko, Caroline H., and Joseph S. Takahashi. “Molecular Components of the Mammalian Circadian Clock.” Human Molecular Genetics, 15 Oct. 2006.

Nagourney, Eric. “Some Rhythmic Clues to Alzheimer’s.” The New York Times, 17 April 2001.

Sanders, Laura. “Out-of-Whack Body Clock Causes More Than Sleepiness.” Science News for Students, 3 Dec. 2019.

Fat Got Your Tongue?

我们通过发表论文来表彰学生 STEM 写作比赛的前八名获奖者。这是妮可·方(Nicole Fang)的作品。

这篇文章由来自马里兰州北波托马克市理查德蒙哥马利高中的 16 岁的妮可·方(Nicole Fang)撰写,是学习网络首届 STEM 写作比赛的前八名获奖者之一,我们收到了 1,618 份参赛作品。

Fat Got Your Tongue?

Twenty-two million Americans stop breathing in their sleep without knowing. Snuggling up under their covers and swirling to the beautiful chaos of a new dream, their upper airway muscles stealthily relax, pinching off any aperture to oxygen. As breathing momentarily cuts off and reflexes violently kick in, their bodies unconsciously embark on a workout of raucous snoring, sporadic wake-ups and high blood pressure. For many struggling to get sufficient rest after a full night of what is known as obstructive sleep apnea, or O.S.A., their troubles may be attributed to one key culprit: fat tongues.

When you stick your tongue all the way out while looking in a mirror, can you see your entire uvula? If not, you may suffer from bearing an unusually large tongue, which falls back against the back of your throat as you sleep, effectively closing the airway and suspending respiratory activity for more than ten seconds.

While this increasingly common condition occasionally affects slim folks, overweight people make up around 70 percent of those with sleep apnea, according to a study published by Surendra Kumar Sharma in the journal Chest. With obesity continuing its unrelenting climb among adults today, weight loss is key for treating apnea.

Supporting this idea is a recent study published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, where researchers gathered 67 people suffering from obesity and severe sleep apnea. Taking MRI scans of each participant’s pharynx as they lost around 10 percent of their body weight, the analysts observed tongue fat reduction to be the primary link between weight loss and apnea relief.

“No one really understands the relationship of obesity to sleep apnea, and no one knows much about tongue fat in general,” said Dr. Richard Schwab, senior author of the study. “But the correlation between the three is significant.” In his final statistical report, Dr. Schwab disclosed how losing weight reduced tongue fat by an average of 20 percent — a change greater than that of any other airway structure — and consequently, a 31 percent improvement in sleep apnea scores. Essentially, the slimmer the tongue, the more the disorder’s symptoms improved.

Acknowledging the agent and solution to this condition is critical in improving the quality of many lives, as apnea left untreated is a serious matter, according to Jonathan Jun, a sleep medicine specialist at Johns Hopkins. “We’re talking about car accidents in the daytime, lost productivity at work, mood swings, and falling asleep in class,” he said. In a more long-term perspective, sleep apnea also instigates heart disease, stroke and metabolic issues like diabetes.

The scariest part? You might not even know you have this prevalent disorder. With nine in 10 patients still undiagnosed, as reported by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, Dr. Jun encourages everyone to simply avoid trouble by maintaining a healthy weight.

“It’s nothing new, really, to ask people to keep an eye on their weight,” he said. “But now, we know tongue fat is a risk factor for O.S.A., giving us a unique therapeutic target for future testing that we’ve never had before.”

Works Cited

Brody, Jane E. “Sleep Apnea Can Have Deadly Consequences.” The New York Times, 27 May 2019.

Lanese, Nicoletta. “A Fat Tongue May Be Blocking Your Airways While You Sleep.” LiveScience, 10 Jan. 2020.

“Losing Tongue Fat Improves Sleep Apnea.” ScienceDaily, 10 Jan. 2020.

Seppa, Nathan. “Wake-up Call for Sleep Apnea.” ScienceNews, 31 July 2008.

Wang et al. “Effect of Weight Loss on Upper Airway Anatomy and the Apnea Hypopnea Index: The Importance of Tongue Fat.” American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 10 Jan. 2020.

A New Cancer Treatment That Is Faster, More Efficient and Less Risky Is Coming: Bacteria Bombs

我们通过发表论文来表彰学生 STEM 写作比赛的前八名获奖者。这是威廉·切斯尼(William Chesney)的作品。


这篇文章由来自纽约布朗克斯伦理文化菲尔斯顿学校的15岁的威廉·切斯尼(William Chesney)撰写,是学习网络有史以来第一届STEM写作比赛的前八名获奖者之一,我们收到了1,618份参赛作品。

A New Cancer Treatment That Is Faster, More Efficient and Less Risky Is Coming: Bacteria Bombs

Bacteria are usually thought of as microscopic, disease-causing nuisances. They have long been seen as something that needs to be washed away with soap and warm water, or killed en masse with hand sanitizer. But what if these stigmatized organisms could be used to fight cancer, the stubborn killer devastating millions of people? Scientists at the University of California, led by Jeff Hasty, are working to genetically engineer bacteria that will infiltrate tumors and kill them. Combined with conventional treatment such as chemotherapy, researchers are hoping bacteria will be very effective at killing tumors and, further, stopping them from spreading. If proven safe and effective, this bacterial treatment could provide a vital victory in the war against cancer.

The immune system regularly patrols the body to find and destroy cancerous cells, but tumors can disguise themselves as normal cells by releasing a protein that tells the body to leave the tumor alone. And so, the tumor hides in plain sight, invading the healthy tissue around it. Tumors use blood vessels that branch all over the surface of the tumor to steal resources. Chemotherapy delivers cancer killing drugs to the bloodstream, but these drugs can only reach as far as the blood vessels reach, and most of the tumor’s blood vessels do not get to the center of the tumor.

This is where the bacteria, specifically salmonella, can come to the rescue. The scientists at the University of California have changed the DNA of bacteria to seek out these tumors, and populate them without invading the rest of the body. The bacteria settle in and start to replicate. But, like little bombs, they soon explode and release “a toxic cocktail” in the words of Dr. Sally Adee. The cocktail contains “three types of cancer-killing drugs: one that destroys cell walls, one that alerts the body’s immune system, and one that triggers cells to die” according to Dr. Adee. This allows the bacteria to attack the tumor directly in a localized way to keep the damage away from other healthy cells. Importantly, it also alerts the immune system to begin its offensive by destroying the tumor’s immunosuppressive proteins. In his Nature Reviews Cancer article, “Engineering the Perfect (Bacterial) Cancer Therapy,” the University of Massachusetts professor Neil Forbes said, “the immune system plays a complicated role in bacteriolytic therapy; it provides a mechanism to guide bacterial accumulation, but also impedes dispersion and efficacy.” Thus the body and these bacteria form a surprising team in their war against cancer.

Of course, this treatment has risks. The main danger is that the bacteria will become the enemy and infect the person. To prevent this, researchers have modified the bacteria to not only thrive in the environment of a tumor, but also to struggle to survive in healthy tissue. This is a revolution in the way people have thought about cancer treatment. Bacteria may soon join the list of unlikely allies in the fight against cancer, joining the ranks of debilitating chemicals and harmful radiation.

Works Cited

Adee, Sally. “Self-Destructing Bacteria Are Engineered to Kill Cancer Cells.” New Scientist, 20 July 2016.

Forbes, Neil S. “Engineering the Perfect (Bacterial) Cancer Therapy.” Nature Reviews Cancer, 14 Oct. 2010.

Williams, Thomas. “New Cancer Treatment? Scientists Have Programmed Bacteria to Kill Cancer Cells in Mice.” The Conversation, 21 July 2016.

Zimmer, Carl. “New Weapons Against Cancer: Millions of Bacteria Programmed to Kill.” The New York Times, 3 July 2019.

Sleep to Clean: A Prevention of Plaques That Lead to Alzheimer’s Disease

我们通过发表论文来表彰学生 STEM 写作比赛的前 11 名获奖者。这是乔斯琳·谭(Jocelyn Tan)的作品。


本文由Jocelyn Tan撰写,15岁,来自新泽西州Bask Ridge的Ridge高中。,是学习网络第二届年度STEM写作比赛的前11名获奖者之一我们收到了3,741份参赛作品。

Sleep to Clean: A Prevention of Plaques That Lead to Alzheimer’s Disease

Our brain’s storage is like a teenager’s room — messy, cluttered and a fortress of personal memories. Scattered around are beloved belongings, such as your family heirloom or favorite cat, but imagine if suddenly these treasures disappeared, with only dust bunnies lying in their wake. Poof. Gone.

Despite seeming like deceptive magic, this is the blunt reality of an individual’s brain with Alzheimer’s, a daunting and currently incurable disease. With about 10 percent of people over the age of 65 diagnosed, it seems inevitable that it would affect individuals and families. But, what if this disease could be prevented through something simple — sufficient sleep?

Take a look inside the structure of a healthy brain. As they are created and destroyed, billions of neurons reside and correspond with each other through synapses. As new experiences feed into our brain every second, the synapses receive neurotransmitters that are responsible for the communication in our brain: seeing, thinking, remembering. However, in the brain of an Alzheimer’s patient, harmful proteins called amyloid-beta 42 block these synapses. Naturally produced by neurons, amyloid-beta proteins accumulate and lead to Alzheimer’s if not cleaned out fast enough by microglia cells, the cleaners for the brain. Over time, the rapid rate of amyloid-beta production causes the proteins to clump up into plaque. This unsettling change results in brain dysfunction; proteins like tau create neurofibrillary tangles that choke off the insides of neurons. Now, the once messy room is structurally and functionally destroyed by a hurricane. Looking to rapidly fix the chaos, microglia cells secrete inflammatory factors, resulting in prolonged inflammation and even the destruction of neurons.

In the past years, scientists began noticing a relationship between Alzheimer’s disease and sleep. Dr. Yo-El Ju evaluated patients in sleep apnea treatment. Following their successful treatment, she found that both the production and number of beta-amyloids had decreased. Laura Lewis, an assistant professor from Boston University who conducted a study on brain waves and sleep, said that the patients seemed “to have a change in their ability to clear proteins or waste products from their brain.” Hence, sleep has a vital role in the reduction of beta-amyloid plaques — the emerging signs of oncoming Alzheimer’s.

But, how come? In a separate study done by Dr. Maiken Nedergaard, it was discovered that the brain cleans waste two times faster when asleep. “So things like amyloid-beta, which are implicated in Alzheimer’s disease, seem to actually be removed more rapidly from the brain,” Dr. Lewis pointed out. Allowing microglia cells and other proteins to actively sweep out waste at much faster rates, sleep reshapes the untidy room in the brain, solidifying memories. With a healthy sleep routine, the fate of our brains could be deterred from Alzheimer’s disease.

There is still much to discover. As Dr. Lewis said, “I don’t know whether it’s that sleep increases clearance or whether sleep decreases the production of waste products.” Every step in the understanding of neurology can help uncover new preventions for Alzheimer’s, improving brain health for generations to come.

Works Cited

Alzheimer’s Association. “Alzheimer’s Facts and Figures.” Alzheimer’s Association.” Alzheimer’s Association.

Cunningham, Aimee. “Lack of Sleep Is Tied to Increases in Two Alzheimer’s Proteins.” Science News, 24 Jan. 2019.

Hamilton, Jon. “Deep Sleep Protects against Alzheimer’s, Growing Evidence Shows.” NPR, 17 Nov. 2020.

Konnikova, Maria. “Goodnight. Sleep Clean.” The New York Times, 11 Jan. 2014.

“What Happens to the Brain in Alzheimer’s Disease?” National Institute on Aging, 16 May 2017.

The Motion of the Ocean: Using Sea Waves to Desalinate Seawater

我们通过发表论文来表彰学生 STEM 写作比赛的前 11 名获奖者。这是达纳·斯坦克(Dana Steinke)的作品。

本文由 Dana Steinke 撰写,16 岁,来自加利福尼亚州萨拉托加的萨拉托加高中。,是学习网络第二届年度STEM写作比赛的前11名获奖者之一我们收到了3,741份参赛作品。

The Motion of the Ocean: Using Sea Waves to Desalinate Seawater

One of the most famous divine punishments in Greek mythology is that faced by Tantalus, who was condemned to an eternity of hunger and thirst despite standing in a pool of water below a fruit tree. Humanity seems to be in a situation not too far from Tantalus’s: Although our planet’s surface is 71 percent water, nearly all of it is too salty to drink. According to the World Resources Institute, a quarter of the global population is at risk of running out of fresh water. While seawater desalination methods exist, they have largely been too expensive and energy intensive to be practical, especially in regions where both freshwater and reliable energy sources are in short supply. But what if we could use the ocean itself to power seawater desalination?

In Cape Verde, an island country off the coast of Senegal, water is more expensive than anywhere else in Africa. Despite being surrounded by ocean, Cape Verdeans are facing an extreme water shortage. Eighty-five percent of the country’s water is processed through diesel-powered desalination, which is both expensive and environmentally unfriendly. However, the situation may soon change. In collaboration with IMAR, the National Maritime Institute of Cape Verde, researchers from a company called Resolute Marine Energy are testing a new desalination process on the Cape Verdean island of São Vicente.

This novel technology, aptly called Wave2O, harnesses wave energy to power a reverse-osmosis desalination system. Complicated as it may sound, reverse osmosis desalination is simply a way of filtering water through a membrane that removes salt and other unwanted particles. Pushing the seawater through the membrane requires a significant amount of energy — a potential problem in a country with limited electrical grid capacity — but Wave2O bypasses this issue by converting energy from the sea.

Water moves with incredible force. It can wreck ships, wipe out entire villages, and even carve through land to form massive canyons. If you have ever been wiped out while surfing, you know how powerful ocean waves can be. Wave2O takes advantage of this natural and renewable power source through a multiple step process known as wave energy conversion. First, ocean waves move flaps attached to the sea floor. The motion of the flaps then powers hydraulic pumps, which send high-pressure seawater through a reverse-osmosis desalination system.

In addition to being less expensive than diesel-powered desalination, Wave2O is also far more sustainable. According to Olivier Ceberio, the co-founder of Resolute Marine, replacing Cape Verde’s diesel-driven desalination systems with Wave2O could lower carbon emissions — a key driver of climate change — by over 4,000 tons per year. Theoretically, Wave2O could even be used to generate electricity, thereby providing developing countries and other communities in need with both freshwater and a sustainable power source.

Depending on how well Wave2O performs in Cape Verde, Resolute Marine’s technology could be used to desalinate seawater in coastal areas all over the world, thus unlocking one of this watery planet’s most plentiful resources. Through scientific innovation, perhaps Tantalus can finally quench his thirst.

Works Cited

Frisch, Lucy. “Addressing Water Scarcity with Ocean Waves.” Spring Nature, 4 June 2020.

Hurley, Bill. “Create the Future: Water Desalination, Powered by Waves.” Tech Briefs, 4 Oct. 2019.

Sengupta, Somini, and Weiyi Cai. “A Quarter of Humanity Faces Looming Water Crises.” The New York Times, 6 Aug. 2019.

From Babbling to Birdsong: What Finches Can Teach Us About Vocal Learning

我们通过发表论文来表彰学生 STEM 写作比赛的前 11 名获奖者。这是沈凯莉写的。


这篇文章由Kelly Shen撰写,16岁,来自加利福尼亚州阿瑟顿的阿瑟顿圣心学校。,是学习网络第二届年度STEM写作比赛的前11名获奖者之一我们收到了3,741份参赛作品。

From Babbling to Birdsong: What Finches Can Teach Us About Vocal Learning

Imagine listening to Puccini’s “O Mio Babbino Caro,” as performed by a two-month-old baby, or Bizet’s “Habanera” crooned by a toddler. In some sense, that is what you hear when a baby finch practices its singing. Recently, scientists have studied how juvenile finches learn their songs, and their findings could teach us a thing or two about the way our own learning works.

Learning to speak is very much like learning to play a violin or a piano. It involves properly controlling the complex muscles that enable speech. In fact, humans and birds share a similar process. Just as a baby learns to say “Mama” or “Dada” by mirroring their parents’ baby talk, juvenile songbirds reproduce their parents’ song — but it’s more like a skipping CD stringing together single notes instead of the full track. Humans and songbirds are more impressionable when they’re young, and their neuroplasticity decreases in transition from adolescence to adulthood. Observing this change in birds could help scientists develop treatments for strokes and other conditions that affect speech and movement.

Michael Brainard, a professor of physiology and psychiatry at the University of California San Francisco, conducted experiments on juvenile Bengalese finches to explore the neurological circuitry behind vocal learning. By observing the finches learning songs from computerized teachers, he was able to stitch together the neural networks that coordinate cognitive and motor control during singing. He discovered that suppressing a region of the brain responsible for motor control, known as the basal ganglia, made the juvenile finches sing a duller tune, as if the glissandos and fortissimos had been taken out of the score. At the same time, variations in pitch were subdued, making the song more monotone. “It looks like this part of the brain is introducing variability — constantly doing things a little differently and then discovering ‘Okay, that sounded really good. I’ll do it that way again,’” Dr. Brainard said. Basically, the juvenile finches’ ability to use trial and error in learning had been eliminated. Whether it’s learning to ride a bike or cook pasta, trial and error helps us get better at certain tasks over time. “You need to try something different to optimize your performance,” Dr. Brainard explained.

Because birds and humans share so many parallels in vocal learning, scientists believe insights into the finch basal ganglia function could be relevant in understanding the way our own basal ganglia works during human speech learning and other types of motor skill performance, especially in diseases. Many illnesses, like Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease, both directly involve the basal ganglia. “We think it’s probably no accident that the same circuit performing a function and introducing variability in birds might also be a circuit that contributes to abnormalities and movement variability,” said Dr. Brainard. “We can discover general principles that will contribute broadly to understanding how normal learning systems work, and ultimately how to correct function when it goes awry.”

Works Cited

Brainard, Michael S., and Allison J. Doupe. “Translating Birdsong: Songbirds as a Model for Basic and Applied Medical Research.” U.S. National Library of Medicine, 8 July 2013.

Kao, Mini, and Michael S. Brainard. “Lesions of an Avian Basal Ganglia Circuit Prevent Context-Dependent Changes to Song Variability.” Journal of Neurophysiology, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 24 May 2006.

Grunbaum, Mara. “Astonishing Animals That Illuminate Human Health.” University of California San Francisco, 25 Feb. 2021.

Mets, David G, and Michael S. Brainard. “An Automated Approach to the Quantitation of Vocalizations and Vocal Learning in the Songbird.” PLoS Computational Biology, Public Library of Science, 31 Aug. 2018.

Requarth, Tim and Meehan Crist. “From the Mouths of Babes and Birds.” The New York Times, 30 June 2013.

The World’s Best Quarantiners

我们通过发表论文来表彰学生 STEM 写作比赛的前 11 名获奖者。这是艾琳·拉斯穆森(Erin Rasmussen)的作品。


这篇文章由Erin Rasmussen撰写,14岁,来自马萨诸塞州安多弗的安多弗高中。,是学习网络第二届年度STEM写作比赛的前11名获奖者之一我们收到了3,741份参赛作品。

The World’s Best Quarantiners

We think that quarantining for the past year has been hard, but cicadas have been doing it for the past 17 years, and they’ve chosen 2021, of all years, to come out.

Cicadas are a very loud species of insect that live over 99 percent of their lives beneath our feet. They live about one to two feet underground as wingless nymphs until they feel ready to come out. Some cicadas come out annually, but others spend 13, or even 17 years underground. These “periodical cicadas” are planning on coming out in 2021.

Cicadas are know for making noises as loud as a lawn mower, or about 90 decibels. That’s loud enough for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to require hearing protection. So, be sure to bring your ear plugs if you want to see these little bugs.

If you were alive in 2004, you might remember the constant buzzing and the exoskeletons that the cicadas left behind. However, if you missed it then, your best chance of seeing a cicada will be in the South, but they will be as far north as New York.

Although they might be annoying, cicadas are perfectly harmless. If you get really hungry at some point this summer, don’t hesitate to take a big, juicy bite of a cicada because they are edible. In fact, they are great sources of protein and very low in cholesterol. Though you might think this sounds pretty gross, people in ancient Greece and Rome considered cicadas a delicacy. Cicadas have been known to be cooked into tacos, pizzas, pies and even dumplings.

Just like Rapunzel, cicadas spend the first 17 years of their life away from the world for their safety. However, cicadas don’t need Mother Gothel to tell them to stay hidden from the outside world. They do it voluntarily. Cicadas will only come out when the conditions are just right. The soil temperature has to be above 64 degrees Fahrenheit (about 18 degrees Celsius), and it cannot be raining. Large groups of cicadas will emerge together when the time is right. However, according to Howard Russel, an entomologist (an insect scientist), “No one knows what mechanism they use to trigger their mass emergence.”

For humans, your 17th birthday is just that awkward one between your Sweet 16 and your big 18 I’m-finally-an-adult birthday. For a periodical cicada, 17 is the most important one. So, get your party hats on, because it’s about to be the biggest birthday of the bug world in 17 years.

Works Cited

Bachtel, Carl. “Billions of 17-Year Cicadas Expected to Emerge in 2021.”, 26 Feb. 2021.

Matheny, Keith, Georgea Kovanis. “Brood X Periodical Cicadas, Underground for 17 Years, Ready to Re-emerge and Make Some Noise.” USA Today, 26 Jan. 2021.

Perkins, Sid. “Here Comes Swarmageddon!” Science News for Students, 3 Dec. 2019.

“Watch a Cicada Transform.” Cicada Mania, 30 June 2019.

And the Grammy Goes to … Fin Whales?

我们通过发表论文来表彰学生 STEM 写作比赛的前 11 名获奖者。这是尼古拉·迈尔斯(Nicola Myers)的作品。

这篇文章由来自爱达荷州博伊西市博伊西高中的 17 岁的尼古拉·迈尔斯撰写,是学习网络第二届年度 STEM 写作比赛的前 11 名获奖者之一我们收到了 3,741 份参赛作品。

And the Grammy Goes to … Fin Whales?

The hottest music of this year might just belong to fin whales. Well, at least in the opinion of seismologists. Named for the smooth fin that juts from their backs, fin whales span an impressive 80 feet in length and have long been composing melodies deep below the ocean’s surface. These noises are so loud that the marine geophysicist William Wilcock likened them to those of a “big container ship.” While conducting seismic research, scientists viewed the whales’ songs as a vociferous inconvenience, failing to recognize the potential behind the hubbub. The seismologist Václav Kuna, however, was intrigued by the constant chatter of the fin whales. He decided to investigate these odd sounds further and stumbled upon a discovery larger than fin whales themselves.

Seismologists such as Dr. Kuna study seismic waves (energy waves created when rock fractures in Earth’s crust) to better understand earthquakes. Air guns have been the go-to tool for the documentation of seismic activity in oceanic crust. Yet they have one major downfall: Air guns contribute to the human-induced noise-levels of oceans, creating a stressful environment for marine life.

Dr. Kuna, along with John Nabelek, a professor at Oregon State University, found and recently published an alternative method to air guns, one that relies on help from fin whales. How can these majestic mammals assist seismologists? The process is simple: Energy from the hums of fin whales zips through the water and echoes off the ocean floor, transforming into seismic waves. Seismometers then capture the noises, similarly to how the vibrating sound waves of air guns would be recorded. “Fin whale seismology” has helped to uncover rock layers in the ocean, seemingly giving scientists the superhuman power of X-ray vision to see through 8,200 feet of the obscure seafloor. Though fin whale seismology is not as accurate as the air gun approach, Dr. Kuna still calls the discovery a “win-win” and believes that the method can “complement” traditional ways of obtaining seismic data. And best of all, the harmonies of fin whales are sounds already native to aquatic life.

Jackie Caplan-Auerbach, who studies volcanoes and seismology at Western Washington University, explains that she first saw the constant blabber of fin whales as nothing more than a nuisance to her research. She now calls the findings of Dr. Kuna and Dr. Nabelek “awesome,” asserting that their study demonstrates how scientists can derive data from natural sources instead of conducting experiments with man-made technology. The full potential of fin whale seismology will come with future studies, but for now, here’s what’s certain: Fin whales deserve the award for best new artist at the “Underwater Grammys” for wowing seismologists and marine life alike with the power of their melodic voices.

Works Cited

Andrews, Robin George. “Whale Songs Could Reveal Deep Secrets Beneath the Oceans.” The New York Times, 11 Feb. 2021.

Chapuis, Lucille, Shaun P. Collin, Carlos M. Duarte, et al. “The Soundscape of the Anthropocene Ocean.” Science, 5 Feb. 2021.

Endsley, Kevin. “What Is Seismology and What Are Seismic Waves?” UPSeis, 2007.

Gramling, Carolyn. “Fin Whale Songs Can Reveal Hidden Features of the Ocean Floor.” Science News. 12 Feb. 2021.

Kuna, Václav M. and John L. Nabelek. “Seismic Crustal Imaging Using Fin Whale Songs.” Science, 12 Feb. 2021.

The Peacock Mantis Shrimp: The Ant-Man of Atlantis

我们通过发表论文来表彰学生 STEM 写作比赛的前 11 名获奖者。这是苏莱曼·穆罕默德(Suleiman Mohamed)的作品。


这篇文章由来自阿曼马斯喀特马斯喀特英国学校的 16 岁的 Suleiman Mohamed 撰写,是学习网络第二届年度 STEM 写作比赛的前 11 名获奖者之一我们收到了 3,741 份参赛作品。

The Peacock Mantis Shrimp: The Ant-Man of Atlantis

Fifty miles per hour. A force of 8,000 G’s. All deployed in under two milliseconds. You’re not looking at a modern-day bullet, but the fastest punch in the animal kingdom.

Dubbed by scientists as “nature’s underwater marvel,” the peacock mantis shrimp has the ability to pierce its prey’s skull and completely cavitate the water around it. However, as fascinating as that sounds, the question still remains: How can this four-inch creature deliver forces 1,000 times its own weight?

In typical fashion, nature doesn’t like to reveal all its secrets, but scientists around the world have managed to attribute this mystery to one factor: its structure. While most man-made materials have their atoms layered on top of each other in an orderly fashion, this shrimp’s club takes a page out of nature’s cookbook by layering its fibers in small varying degrees, forming a spiral-like helicoid structure, capable of withstanding over 2,000 Newtons of force!

Split into three main layers, its club is purpose-built to pack a powerful punch every time. The first layer is composed of a mineral known as hydroxyapatite, the same one found in your hair and teeth; however, in this case, it’s in a more crystalline form, owing to a much harder surface. The second layer is composed of a much softer form of the same mineral albeit with each layer being rotated slightly, forming the helicoid structure that scientists have now come to recognize. The third consists of layers of chitin that prevent the club from expanding upon impact.

But what if we were to implement this into the mainstream market? While scientists and engineers have known about this phenomena for more than half a decade, the research originally conducted by the University of California, Riverside, in 2014 is just starting to trickle down into various corporations. The most complex architecture used in the aerospace industry today revolves around layering sheets of carbon-fiber at zero degrees, 45 right, 45 left and then 90 degrees. However, if we were to layer the same material using a helicoid configuration, the results would be borderline revolutionary!

This would delay internal failure by over 74 percent, increase impact resistance by over 50 percent and improve load-bearing by over 92 percent. Now, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to understand that those figures can reform entire industries.

However, while figures are one thing, real-life performance is a whole different situation, and it doesn’t fall short. This extraordinary structure allows for much lighter, stronger and cheaper composites, which, when implemented into vehicles, allows them to emit less carbon dioxide and carry a smaller carbon footprint. And while our world is hanging onto life support, this could be the very turning point at which we can make a significant change.

As scientists continue to pluck from the fruits of nature, this discovery merely marks the beginning of a whole new wave of materials to come. From hummingbirds to geckos, we are finally turning a new leaf, falling toward the mystic arts of nature rather than trying to cast away its spells.

Works Cited

Kim, Meeri. “Shrimp’s Shell-Smashing Punch Hands Researchers a Lead on Tougher Materials.” The Guardian, 9 May 2014.

Kwok, Roberta. “This Shrimp Packs A Punch.” Science News, 27 March 2013.

News Channel 3 Staff. “The Mantis Shrimp Changing Composites.” News Channel 3, 19 Nov. 2019.

Scharping, Nathaniel. “How Mantis Shrimp Punch So Hard Without Hurting Themselves.” Discover, 16 Jan. 2018.

Science Daily Staff. “Mantis Shrimp Stronger Than Airplanes.” Science Daily, 22 April 2014.

Treacy, Siobhan. “Materials for Aerospace and Sports Inspired by the Mantis Shrimp’s Club.” Engineering360, 16 Jan. 2018.